Gift for him 🎁

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After inviting his parents Yibo went in his room he checked his savings for gift but for his bad luck there was very little money.💰

His jie came into his room so he just clutched money in his hand to hide.

What's wrong bobo?

Nothing jie! I'm here in my room to take a look.

Talking for a while Yibo bid goodbye to his parents and left from there.
He went into a store for purchasing a gift for Zhan but was confused because with the money he had. He looked around many things then he saw a red thread bracelet with goodluck charms.
He picked that one and looked throughly...

Hmm good one I'll purchase this for Zhan ge because it's for him I can't use his money so with my money I think I can afford this. 😇

He paid for bracelet and left for home.
In the evening everyone got ready for going Church but Zhan was still not at home.
Zhan didn't want to go Church that's why he was not there but Yibo being Yibo called him continuously at last Yubin received the call...

Hello! Zhan ge when are you coming everyone is waiting here...

Listen Yibo! Zhan said he is not going to Church so I think you should go with family...Today he is not coming home...

Saying that Yubin disconnected the call. Yibo's face showed that he was sad but Someone was happy looking him like that....yeah Ziyi was smiling.

Mom! You all go I'll come later.

But Yibo do you know how to drive?

I don't know mom but today is Christmas eve and I'll go in Church with Zhan ge.


It's okay mom!!

With a sigh Mrs.Jiang left from there with all family members. Yibo sat down on sofa he was waiting for Zhan. He again called Zhan....

Hello! Zhan ge


Zhan ge I know you are listening so I'm telling you that I am waiting for you at home...


Yibo disconnected the call.
He was waiting and waiting and waiting and finally door opened.
Here came Xiao Zhan. Yibo looked up and Zhan was there. Yibo was happy. He went near him.

Dd! you know you are stubborn...

I know now let's gooo...

Yibo entered inside Church he looked for family they were in front row but Ziyi looked at him she smirked thinking atlast Yibo came alone there but as soon as Zhan came behind Yibo her smile dropped. She clenched her jaw in anger.
Cheng asked her -

What's wrong baby?

Shut up!

She glared her husband. Yibo and Zhan sat down on chairs. Yibo was glad because Zhan came. There were a smile on his face all the way but Zhan he kept stoic face there was no sign of smile or happiness on his face.
Something was going on in his mind.
Next morning Yibo woke up early and went to bathroom after taking a good bath he wore clothes he prepared for Christmas party.

Next morning Yibo woke up early and went to bathroom after taking a good bath he wore clothes he prepared for Christmas party

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He checked himself in mirror one last time and went down. Mrs.Jiang was in kitchen with maid when Yibo went in and said..

mom! for today I'll cook pan cakes.

Yibo you know how to cook...

Yes mom I always helped my mom in kitchen when jie was busy with her training and work...

Ok then cooking pancakes 🥞 😋 is your responsibility and I'll ask to Ziyi to help you...because guests will come soon.

Ok mom!

She was about to leave but turned and said...

By the way Yibo! Zhan loves to eat pancakes but when he stopped celebrating Christmas he never ate pancakes also...
I'm sure you'll cook delicious pancakes 🥞

Yibo nodded and both smiled and she left.Yibo started to prepare material for pancakes when Ziyi came...

Ohh! You are here...what are you cooking...

Good morning! Sister in law...umm I'm going to cook pancakes 🥞

First of all I'm not your sister in law...secondly I don't care whatever you're cooking but I'm here to cook pancakes because it's first time we are celebrating Christmas in this house so I'll cook for Zhan.
You can go(referring to maid).
We'll manage here.

Maid left from there but Ziyi's words somehow hurted Yibo but he was concentrating on cooking.
Being evil Ziyi was looking Yibo's pancakes and she was aware that he is doing better than her.
When both were done preparing pancakes they put them on dinning table in two different plates. Yibo went outside in lawn where party was arranged for welcoming guests with Mrs.Jiang and here Ziyi exchanged Pancakes.

Omma, jie! Merry Christmas...

Yibo hugged his mom and sis.

Where is appa?

Ohh bobo you know your appa he was not feeling good so he didn't come.

What happened to him? Is he alright?

Yibo panicked....

Aayia bobo it's not big deal don't panic...he is fine...nothing to worry otherwise I would've
not been don't worry...

In a corner of lawn Mr.Jiang and Cheng were talking on mobile with someone...

Where are you? It's time to take action...Zhan is about to come...
Ok ok be ready and after work we'll send your remaining money.
Everyone saw in direction where Zhan was standing.
He was looking stunning 😍 as always.
Yibo looked at him 😳😳

 Yibo looked at him 😳😳

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