here is that story

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Luz: That was for the Act Three closer.

Camila: Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?

[Cut to Luz on stage at an audition for Romeo and Juliet, holding a spork.]

Luz: O happy dagger, give me death!

[Luz stabs the spork into her torso before tearing her dress, making several links of sausages fall out. Everyone else on stage screams and runs. Cut to Luz sewing a pigeon head onto a squirrel's body, on a platform labelled "baby griffin".]

Luz: Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath.

[She opens the model's beak. Many spiders come out, crawling over her and the table. People scream in terror, throwing objects everywhere. Cut to cheerleading tryouts, where a girl does a successful backflip. Every other student applauds.]

Luz: You think that's an impressive trick? [Throws her pom-poms to the side.] Take a look at this. [Turns around to reveal she flipped her eyelids inside out.] Bleep, bloop, bleep!

[Everyone else screams and runs, and it sounds like at least one person is gagging. Cut back to Principal Hal's office.]

Camila: We all love that you express yourself, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you may need to spend the summer here.

[She holds out a pamphlet for Reality Check Summer Camp. Luz takes it reluctantly.]

Luz: Don't worry, Mom. I won't let you down. [Stands up triumphantly.] No more weirdness!

[The snake in Luz's hand suddenly jumps out and bites the principal. He falls to the ground with a yell while the snake hisses.]

Luz: That doesn't count, right?

[Cut to Luz, who is standing disappointedly in front of her house.]

Camila: [Exits the house.] Oh! Oh, my baby! [Hugs Luz.] Now, don't worry. Summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to... appreciate public radio, the time will fly by!

Luz: But I don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and—and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories.

Camila: Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends? Real ones, not imagined or drawn or reptilian?

[Luz drops her book, disappointed. She walks slowly over to the trash bin.]

Camila: Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try. Can you do that?

Luz: Yes, Mom.

[Luz puts her book, The Good Witch Azura, into the trash bin. Camila's phone vibrates in her purse.]

Camila: Oh. I gotta go to work. [Kisses Luz's forehead.] Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. Cuídate mucho, mija. ¡Qué te vaya bien! [Walks away.]

Luz: Bye, Mom. [Watches her leave, then gasps and rummages through the bin.] Where is it? Where is it?

[An owl hoots. Luz looks up and sees a little owl, her book sticking out of the bag in his beak. It turns and flies away.]

Luz: Tiny trash thief!

[Luz chases the owl. She pauses when the reach a decrepit abandoned house, but the owl continues right inside. Luz stares at the house. Luz growls. Steeling her nerves, Luz runs inside. The front door slams shut behind her, and the entire inside glows, visible through the windows and the holes in the roof. Cut to the inside of a tent, where a door unfolds in three parts before opening. The little owl hops through it, and a second later, Luz follows.]

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