John Doe and a Jealous Y/N

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None of the pictures I use for this story are mine!! Credit belongs to the rightful owners!! Also I refer my You as "Y/N". You and Y/N are the same. (CONTENT WARNING: Threats of harm!) I hope you enjoy this small story! :D

Also sorry the paragraphs are kinda long. I'll try to fix that next time I write a short story like this.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up this morning with Doe beside me. He knew I was up and got up beside me. "Good morning sweetheart." He said while looking at me with those big dilated eyes. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was just so adorable to me. "Good morning Doe." I said in a tired morning voice. I decided to stretch before getting out of bed to make some breakfast. I didn't feel like making too much, so I went to make some toast with jam. While we did have the ingredients needed, I noticed we were running low on food. Luckily this was my day off, meaning I could just go to the grocery store and get the groceries needed. I made toast for me and Doe and placed the jam down on the table. Doe followed me and waited for me to join him at the table. I sat down with him as we both ate.

"We are running low on food and stuff. I'll have to go and get the groceries today." I told him while eating some of the toast I made. He looked up at me when he said this. "I can come too! I will help out." He said while looking so happy at me. I noticed he already finished his toast. "You sure you want to come along?" I asked him, making sure if he really wanted to. I don't want to force him to come along just because I'm going somewhere. I also know how sad he gets whenever I leave the house without him. "Yes! Please let me go with you!" He exclaimed while giving me what seemed to be puppy eyes. I couldn't say no to him. I honestly adore him. "Fine~. But please don't cause trouble." I told him in a sigh. I couldn't help but find him cute in a way. "Trust me, I wont!" He promised me. We both got up and got ready. I threw on a T-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie of mine. I wasn't really going out that much so why bother?

We arrived at the grocery store. I grabbed a cart and went in with Doe following behind me. I have a list on my phone of everything we need, because I tend to be forgetful sometimes. During the shopping, I remembered an item that was on the list that I completely forgot to put down. I turned over to Doe, who was looking at snacks, mainly the bag of teeth. This was pretty obvious from him, since that was his favorite snack. Doe noticed I was looking at him and turned over to me, obviously wondering what was wrong since a swirl just appeared on his shirt. "I just remembered an item I didn't put on the list. Please stay put just for a minute, I'll be right back!" "Okay love." He said in reply while returning to his snack and putting it in the cart. 

John Doe's POV:

As my love rushed to get what she needed, I decided to add my snacks to the cart. Two bags should be good, I think? While doing so, I noticed someone staring at me. I didn't turn around until the person walked up to me. This person was watching me from afar, glancing after my love left. "Hello!" they said sounding nervous yet excited. "Hi.." "What's your name?" they asked. I was questioning whether I should tell them my name or not. I guess it would be fine? "My name's John Doe.." I responded with a pause. "That's a nice name! A-are you single b-by any chance?.." After that sentence I realized what they wanted. They clearly wanted to be with me. I'm clearly not interested though, they aren't even my type anyways. I already have my love and they are my everything! "No. I'm in a relationship already.." "John Doe my dear, Who. Is. This?" Before the person could say anything, my dear had already returned. They had a glare on the person talking to me, they were clearly angry but GOD it was HOT HOT HOT!! I love them so so so so so so much!!!

Y/N's POV:

I looked at the person near my Doe. I looked back at Doe, he was clearly flustered with blush on his face and hearts on his shirt while looking at me. That's not surprising. This is the first time he has seen me jealous over him. This is also the first time someone tried to go after what was mine. I walked over to Doe, getting very close to him, almost like I'm guarding him away from this person. "Hello there! Is there anything we can help you with?" I asked in a cheery tone while trying to keep a smile on my face and be polite. "I u-uhh.. N-no.." "No? Really? Cause I saw you talking to my boyfriend. Are you sure there is nothing you need?" I asked calmly. I'm trying not to go off on this person. I know what they said to Doe, and I won't let it slide. I still kept a smile on my face. "I-I'm okay.. I'll just g-go now.." they said as the person ran away quickly. I sighed in relief knowing that they are gone now. I turned to Doe and cupped my hands on his cheeks and gave him a soft smile. "They didn't do anything to you right?" Doe was a blushing mess with his eyes dilated while looking at me. His hand reached up to one of my hands that was on his cheek. "I'm okay sweetie~." he replied in a loving tone while staring at me. "I think I'm going to stay by your side for a while, if that's okay with you?" John nodded in agreement. While Doe moved to the next isle, I looked back at the person who was now farther away. The person made eye contact with me. I gave them a smile and gave them a threatening signal, pointing at my eyes and back at theirs. (Basically meaning "I've got my eye on you..")

Me and Doe went back home after shopping for a bit. He helped me put away the groceries and after that, I put on his favorite show on the TV and we both cuddled on the couch. I smiled at his face while he was occupied, watching his show intensely. He noticed I was looking at him and turned over to meet my face. "You're adorable. You know that?" He blushed a bit when I said that. "I love love love love love love you!" He replied while cuddling closer to me. "I love you too." I said while petting him on the head and holding his hand.

GOD this is cringe. I hoped you guys like this because I spent a little bit of time on this. If you don't, that's fine too tbh. I hope to make more for others to enjoy. :)

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