Chapter 10

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"Yeah, that's kind of old news," Harper says with a roll of her eyes. "I thought Lily had been keeping you updated on the stalker with the crazy letter. Plus, you were on zoom with her when I got home from the parking lot assault yesterday."

Out of the corner of her eye, she notices how Aeron's grip on the nearby railing tightens until the metal creaks then snaps. Oh, maybe she shouldn't say things that remind the demon that everyone knew about her life being threatened before he did.

"Harper, listen to me!" Harper's attention snaps back to her brother as a chill runs down her spine. Kye never calls her by her full name. Calling her 'Harper' reminded him too much of their mother. To have him yell out her full name means that her brother is scared. Which means she should probably be scared.

"Just listen," he pleads, exhaustion dripping from his voice.

"I'm listening," she replies quietly, motioning for Aeron to come closer to hear what he has to say.

"I don't think the stalker and the hit are related. From what Lily says, the letters have been coming for weeks, right?"

"Yeah, about three weeks or so." Harper feels Aeron slip a hand around her waist, pulling her to his chest and resting his chin on her shoulder; the perfect position to not only eavesdrop on the conversation but also to provide her support and comfort..

"Well, the hit was only put out a couple days ago, a week at most. And the notes might talk about wanting you dead, but whoever put out the hit is actually trying to kill you."

"What caused you to come to this conclusion," Aeron askes.

"Because it is an open hit; anyone can take it. And the reward money is... the reward is equal to over a million dollars."

The duo is silent for a moment, stunned by the revelation. "Hey, Aeron? Is there a spell or potion or something that'd make people think I'm dead? Just temporarily."

Aeron's grip on her tightens as a scowl crosses his face. "No. I will not cooperate in your death, fabricated or not."

"But this is literally my only chance of seeing that kind of money. I'd be stupid not to take this chance."

"Aeron!" Harper winces and pulls the phone away from her ear at Kye's shouts. "You better not let her do anything that stupid! Otherwise you'll have to deal with me."

"While your attempt at intimidation is laughable, my devotion to your sister will ensure that I keep her from doing anything that foolish," Aeron vows . One of his hands digs out his phone from his pocket while the other one keeps its iron grip on Harper. "Were you able to obtain any information on the soon-to-be corpse that placed the hit?"

"No, not really. Keep in mind after I found all this out I rushed straight to the airport to get back to you guys. So I don't know much." Kye falls silent for a moment as the indistinguishable words of the flight attendant echo through the line. "All I know is that the person is really rich and apparently it is old money because everyone knows they're good for it. Guess they've done this before or something. Listen, I've got to go. Just go home and stay there Harper. Just at least until I get there, okay?"

"Okay. Love you Kye."


The phone call ends, enveloping the two in silence once more. Harper closes her eyes and leans back against Aeron's chest, taking comfort in the heat radiating off his body. "So I am officially a wanted woman. Always thought it'd be for hitting up a protest or something. Or for seducing the king of hell. Not whatever this is."

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