Scar's Battle With The Strange Lion

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"I can't stand Zira's Father anymore

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"I can't stand Zira's Father anymore. It is time to end him once and for all!!!" Scar Said. The Strange Lion appeared. Scar and the Strange Lion were 17 feet apart. Scraka And Nutch arrived to see this. "Grandfather! We Are So Excited To See you win against this ridiculous lion!!!!" Scraka Said. "RIDICULOUS LION?! WELL CUB, LET ME TELL YOU IF IT WEREN'T FOR ME MEETING YOUR GREAT GRANDMOTHER, YOUR GRANDMOTHER ZIRA WOULDN'T EXIST, WHICH MEANS YOUR FATHER WOULDN'T EXIST, WHICH MEANS YOU WOULDN'T EXIST AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULF BE GLAD I EXIST!!!!! SCAR SHOULD TOO!!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled. "WHY WOULD I BE GLAD ABOUT YOUR EXISTENCE AFTER THE #### YOU PUT ME TROUGH?!" Scar Yelled. "BECAUSE I AM ZIRA'S FATHER!!!!! YOU ARE NOT!!!!! ZIRA IS MY GIRL AND NOT YOURS!!!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled. "CORRECTION, ZIRA WAS YOUR GIRL!!!! NOW SHE'S MY WIFE!!!!" Scar Yelled. "YOU KILLED ME JUST SO YOU COULD MEET HER!!!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled. "I SAVED HER FROM YOU!!! I TOOK BETTER CARE OF HER THAN YOU DID!!!! OF COURSE SHE WASN'T MY DAUGHTER!!!! I LOVED HER AS A MATE!!!!! YOU WERE HER FATHER AND YOU SHOULD HAVE LOVED HER MORE!!!!!!" Scar Yelled. "YOU THINK I'M BAD, SCAR?! LOOK AT YOU!!!! LOOK AT ALL THE H### YOU'VE DONE!!!!!! YOU KILLED ME!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled. "YOU DON:T THINK YOU'VE DONE BAD?! YOU GAVE ME MY SCAR!!!!! I LOST THE ROAR BECAUSE OF IT!!!!! THANKS FOR THAT!!!!!" Scar Yelled. Scar and The Strange Lion Got So Close That They Collided. Scar's Spirit Became Much Bigger So He Could Strip The Strange Lion's Spirit Away From Existance. "NO!!!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled. Then Zira's Uncle Appeared "Hahahahaha!!!! Take that brother!!!!!" Zira's Uncle Said. "ZIRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Strange Lion Yelled As He Was Devoured By Scar. The Strange Lion's Spirit was sent even deeper into the underworld. Scar and Zira knew they were now safe from him.

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