Something Bad

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Yibo was looking at Zhan who was talking with guests.
Everyone was busy in eating, chatting and having fun when maid brought pancakes 🥞
Yibo was about go for giving his pancake for Zhan when Ziyi took her pancake to Zhan...

Zhan!! Have some I made this specially for you.


Zhan said sarcastically to her and went near her but kept walking where Yibo was.
He took a pancake from Yibo's hand and ate that....
Yibo was shocked he thought Zhan will eat Ziyi's pancake but Zhan ☻️

Ummmm! Wow dd you cooked well 👌🏻

Yibo just smiled at Zhan's statement. Cheng took a bite of Ziyi's pancake and...

Eekk!! What's with taste...Ziyi baby I think you should not go in kitchen 😏

Ziyi was confused how could this happen! She was thinking 🤔
I clearly exchanged Yibo's pancakes with mine but how his pancakes still good.

Don't think too much with your little brain because I saw there what you did so remember don't you dare to mess with Yibo...
He is mine...only I have rights...

Zhan warned Ziyi in a very dangerous manner. She was looking at him cause she was well aware of his attitude and rudeness but this was somewhat new....
Yibo was happily talking with his mom when a sound echoed. Everyone was terrified because that gunshot sound. They looked here and there and Yibo's eyes went on a certain person who was holding his shoulder about to fall down....Yibo shouted at the top of lungs...

Zhan ggeee.....

Yibo reached at time and held him in his arms. Zhan was unconscious in Yibo's arms his mother and Yibo's mother also came running towards him.

Zhan son open your eyes....

Zhan ge....Zhan ge....
Yubin! Yubin!
Yubin ge....let's go please hurry up....

Guests were looking Zhan with sympathy. Yubin came with car and helped Yibo they held Zhan and went in car.
Yibo was on back seat with Zhan.

Yubin please hurry up...he is bleeding 😢

They reached hospital.
Yibo was outside OT. Then came his mother in law, Ziyi, Mr.Jiang,, Yanli and Cheng.
Yibo was worried he was feeling helpless. Waiting outside of OT worst feeling ever.
After 4 hours doctor came.
Family ran toward him.

Doctor how's my son?

Actually before he came here he was bleeding badly...we have operated his gunshot wound but still his condition is not stable he need blood urgently...

Then what are you waiting for arrange blood as soon as possible...

Problem is that his blood group is AB+ and is not available in hospital blood bank and if we waited for blood to reach here it will took almost 10 hours.....

Yibo was still in shock and not in his sense but he was listening the conversation between doctor and Mrs.Jiang. He stood up and said...

Yibo: Then took mine....

Doc: what?

Mrs.Wang: Yes! Bobo's blood group is O+ so I think it'll be fine.

Doc: its can come with us...nurse hurry up....

Like that Yibo went there with doctor. He laid down on other bed near Zhan.
He was looking at Zhan deeply. His blood transferred inside Zhan's veins.
After one hour he came out and sat down near his mom putting his head on her shoulder.

Bobo are you feeling fine or wanna go for a rest..

No omma I fine...
Almost midnight when Yibo came near Mrs.Jiang..

Yibo: Mom! You are tired I think you should go home ...

Mrs.Jiang: No dear I don't... bobo is right you should go home...he's here with can go and have rest a little...

Yibo: omma you should also go...

Mrs.Wang: but bobo you'll be alone here...

Yibo: it's okay omma I'll manage...doctors already shifted Zhan ge in private I'll go there after sometime.

Mrs.Jiang: Okay then we are leaving but I'll come in morning and Yubin...

Yubin: Yes aunty

You go and drop and Yanli at home...and after that go home and get some rest.
Everyone left from hospital. Ziyi was the first one who left for home cause she doesn't like to skip her beauty sleep.
Mr.Jiang  and Cheng were in room and talking.

Dad how we supposed to arrange that big amount of money.

Son we have to no matter what otherwise we'll be in trouble...
I have some savings what aboit you?

Umm! I'll arrange tomorrow morning.

Okay now it's night go and get some sleep 😴
Your mom is also coming from hospital so now go...

Okay good night dad...

Hm good night!

Cheng went in his room he saw Ziyi was sleeping so he thought how 🤔  to arrange money for.........
He got idea he took keys sneakily from Ziyi's personal drawer and opened her safe.
He looked there were costly jewellery...he was afraid but still he stole a diamond necklace and after closing everything carefully placed keys on their place.
After hiding necklace he went to sleep.
In the hospital Yibo was in ward on couch where Zhan was lying still unconscious. Sleep was nowhere in his eyes. In his heart he was feeling bad for Zhan and thinking...
Why I'm worried about you...why my soul almost left my body when I see you got shot...why I gave my blood to you voluntarily....just Why Zhan ge....??


Thanks for reading....

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