Caged Birdie

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Based on a prompt;
"You married a villain?!"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"They've killed people!"

"Well, so have you."

Prompt by givethispromptatry

I've always wanted to do something with written prompts like this so I finally did one. Hopefully anyone who's reading it, will enjoy the one-shot

Tw/Tags: Toppat King Au, Toppat Charles?, Implied Relationship (StickVin), Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Health Issues, Mental Turmoil, Angst, Charles Whump, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort, & Bitterly Sad Ending


Playing with the gold encrusted ring on his finger, Charles, unbothered, is left held up within a dusty interrogation room, smelt heavy of stale musk. The only thing, his most treasured item, he's allowed to keep as a captured prisoner to the Government, any accessories were stripped away. It's almost freeing in a sense, saddening too, often he's treated like a soft, tender sweet decorative doll, only wearing the best riches can offer. Consisting usually of soft, silk fabrics in his favorite colors, emerald green, nearly see-through with glittery jewelry draped across his frame. So he hadn't cared about wearing an orange jumpsuit two sizes too big; the one thing truly bothers him are the heavy shackles around his waist, ankles, and wrists.

"It's been a good couple years since I've seen you, General. Nice to finally see a familiar face"

What else makes the unsavory situation a touch better, more bearable in fact where in the unfortunate time he was gone, left unable to see anyone, or the man who he greatly considers a father figure, General Galeforce, he feels slightly giddy over.  

"Over a decade and a half to be precise, Mr. Calvin" 

Suddenly, cruel reality crashed upon the ex-pilot, similar to being unwillingly dunked in cold water, no longer is he welcome with open arms,  "... Ah, that long, huh? Time really does go differently when you're held up in space, General" 

"I suppose it does. I would never know myself" Galeforce blandly retorts, hands laid on the metal table one over the other, deciding to sit on the opposite side of the ex-pilot.
"It's absolutely gorgeous, sir. How the stars fill up the night sky all the time. I find myself getting lost in them... It always manages to find a way to make me feel comforted…"

As a resident among many others on the untouchable orbital station, Charles gets lost in the standalone beauty alone, that's space where he gets to bask daily at a constant night. It was considered a blissful escape whenever he needed it the most, during his lowest he steps onto the large balcony protected by thick, sturdy glass, seeking protection in the lifelessly empty vacuum. 

"... Though nothing beats the way it feels to be on Earth. Now I can finally after so long I can experience the sun beating down its warmth again… And the delightful sound of birds chirping. Life actually living"   

"Going to interrupt you there. One thing remains puzzling me" 

"Oh, how so?" Charles curiously asks.
"One, we had no clue what ever happened to you. Whether you were alive or not, we couldn't find your body. Secondly, realizing that over fifteen years later you were very much alive and in fact, joined them in their thievery cause. I don't even want to begin to understand that one?" 

Staying silent for a second, conflicted on the thoughts stewing in his mind, Charles soon spoke in an even, mild tone, lacking much emotion in his usually very peppy voice, "I. I didn't mean to leave you and everyone else I deeply cared for in the dark but I couldn't. I couldn't go and tell you where I've been" 

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