~The new girl~

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Y/N-Your name
Bf/N-Best friends name
F/N-Friends name
H/C-Hair color

You walk  down the hall towards  Bf/N and  F/N. As you  were  walking towards his friends we ran into this pale girl with pitch black hair with pig tails in a black shirt and jeans. Her shirt read 'I ❤️ death'. "Exsuse me. Do you know where Mrs.Ranchets class is?" She asked. you were stunned by her beauty, little did you know she was too. "Oh yeah it's right down the hall let me take her there." You replied.  They started walking to Mrs.Ranchets She said in her soft voice "I'm Wednesday by the way" " I'm YN" You replied. You guys  get to the class and you  both walk in since it was also your first hour. You sat next to Bf/N and   F/N. Wednesday sat in-front of  you
~Time skip to lunch~
As you were eating lunch Wednesday tapped you on your shoulder and held you a blood soaked note. It read 'you will be at the movies at 7! -Wednesday'. You think for a second and say "uhm okay" She grins and walks away to her lonesome table.

Wednesday Addams x  reader Where stories live. Discover now