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Guys this story will be from the boys POV

You will be playing: JOEL

so just imagine you are a boy and your name is joel lol.

And your stepsis's name is alexis

*wakes up*

Joel/you: fuck im so horny

joel: i can't keep dreaming about my step sis

*your stepsis walks by your door with her big breasts jumping up and down and her fat ass moving in her shorts*

joel: shes so sexy and whenever she wears that tight pajama shirt that shows her shape with those short shorts that show her fat ass.

*joel bites his lips and smirks*

stepsis: oh goodmorning joel *she smiles*

joel: hey sexy- oh sorry i mean hey alexis *you uncomfortably laugh the first sentence off*

stepsis: well mom and dad aren't home so.. i'll be in my room if you need me..

joel: ok bye.. oh wait *throws comic book on the floor on purpose*

joel: ah shit, sorry can you get that please *joel smirks*

*stepsis turns around and bends over*

*you stand up behind her and hover over her 4'11 self*

stepsis: oh *chuckles nervously* i didn't know you were behind me

joel: yeah sorry *you smirk*

stepsis: joel... i notice how you've been acting lately.. ever since i developed a more mature body, you've been staring at me up and down with that devious smirk.. and those quick flirting you do with me once in a while.

*you smirk so deviously*

stepsis: *she chuckles* i know what you want joel *she smiles deviously*

*step sis pulls you in for a kiss*

*but before she could, you pick her up and flop her on your bed*

*you smirk*

joel: haha.. are you sure

stepsis: ye-yes joel

joel: bend over for daddy..

*stepsis bends over slowly*

*you smack her ass forcing her too bend down more*

joel: i've been waiting a longgg time for this one..

*step sis is shocked, but in a good way and she smiles deviously*

joel: whats my names love?

stepsis: j-jo-joel

*you pull down your shorts and you have no underwear on, like you've been waiting for this*

*stepsis eyes widen like its about to pop out the socket*

stepsis: woahh...

*you flop open the drawer, open a bag of condoms, and slip one on*

stepsis: oh joel..... i want you so bad

*you grab her fat ass and jiggle it so hard*

*stepsis chuckles*

*you get your comic book and bend it and start smacking her ass with it*

joel: be a good girl for daddy

stepsis: ye-yes daddy joel

joel: good *you smirk so devious*

*you grab her ass and slip your d%ck all the way in*

stepsis: *moans so loud*

*you start humping so fast*

*you grab her ass to make your d%ck slide in faster and faster*

stepsis: *moans* j-jo-joel

*you pick her up and sit her on your lap making her face you*

*you flop your d%ck inside of her from the front and she starts going up and down super fast*

stepsis: *moans* ah yes daddy 😫

*stepsis's big ass breasts flop up and down*

*you stare at her breasts and you groan and she rides your penis so fast*

*her whole body goes up and down and everything is jiggling and clapping so intensely*

joel: fuck...

*the doorbell rings*

stepsis: oh shit its mom and dad

joel: *you chuckle* dont worry, just put your clothes back on and stay in here, i'll go see who it is.

*you smirk so deviously*

*you go downstairs and open the door and see your mom and dad*

dad: hey son

joel: hey dad hey mom

mom: were you guys on your best behavior while we were gone?

*stepsis goes downstairs while her legs are shaking and she can barely move after all the d%ck*

stepsis: ye-yes i was on my best behavior.. i was a good girl, right joel?..

joel: yes.. alexis was a very good girl while yall were gone..

*you smirk the most devious smirk in the whole universe*


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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