~/Chapter 1\~

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My name is Northstar Nevada.
The very first pegasus in my herd.
And this story?
This is my story.
Trust me, it's gonna get preeeety traumatizing.
Just a warning. But anyways.
See you later.

A brown horse walked up the small boulder, shaking her mane and looking up, her chin raised. She cleared her throat. "Herd meeting, my fellow horses. Herd meeting," she said, making all the horses in the herd murmur.

Of course it was early in the morning.

Black wings spread across the herd, shadowing them. A black pegasus, about the size of a middle-age mare, flew in the middle of all the other horses, making sure she wouldn't smack anyone with her wings.

Small growls and hisses came the horses near her, making Northstar glue her wings to her sides. She looked up at the brown horse.

"It has come to my attention, that, Northstar," The herd leader pointed her snout at the black pegasus. "That the Floating Court has called for you."

What? Northstar thought, padding the ground with her hoof. They're the ones who kicked me out, and now they want me back? She took a sigh. "Alright," she mumbled, jumping up and spreading her galaxy-like wings, batting them to make sure she was in the air.

"OOOOOOHHHH, NORTHSTAR, MY LOOOOOOVE," A voice yelled out from the herd, almost making Northstar fall. I'm going to rip that horse to shreds. She thought to herself, rolling her eyes and continuing to fly off. "NORTHSTAR, YOU'RE MY One and ooooonly..."

"GRAYSUN, SHUT UP!" Another horse in the herd yelled a Graysun, making him stop abruptly. "Well, I'm SORRY if my precious Northstar is LEAVING!" Graysun shouted back, flicking his black tail. "Graysun, you know she doesn't like you like that, right?" A black-and-white horse said quietly, Northstar almost couldn't hear her.


"No!" Northstar shouted, smirking while she flapped away to the kingdom. She looked back, then turned right, heading towards the great rock. Might as well explore more before I get locked up or something.. She thought to herself, landing into a tree.

Northstar heard two voices barking at each other, a growl coming right after. "I thought you said there were prey here, not NOTHING!" One of the voices yelled, making Northstar perk one of her ears up. "There are prey here, Zan'ka," Another voice snapped, making the black pegasus poke her head out of the branches.

"If there were at least SOMETHING here, we —" Zan'ka said before getting cut off by a shhhh! from the other voice. "If there is prey here, you are gonna scare them away!" "Ta'kar, you better let go of my snout, or else."

"Or else what?" Ta'kar challenged smoothly, flicking his gray-and-black-tipped tail. A growl slipped out from Zan'ka's mouth, then the sounds of barking, whining, and growling. "All RIGHT!" Zan'ka barked, pushing Ta'kar to the ground. Ta'kar winced, then got back up again.

Zan'ka sighed, his black paw padding the grass. "Ta'kar, find the herd for the pack, I'll go tell the alpha that we're gonna be a tad late," He mumbled, flicking his black tail towards Ta'kar. Ta'kar nodded, sniffing the air as soon as Zan'ka had limped away.

The gray wolf kept sniffing around, his nose sniffing the tree that Northstar was on. What if he sniffs me?! She thought, clutching onto the branch. As she realized that she had hooves for feet, she quickly slipped off the branch - falling on every single branch in that one single tree - and falling right in front of Ta'kar.

Ta'kar quickly flinched away, looking at the black pegasus carefully. Northstar scrambled up, her wings glued to her side, unable to spread out - no matter how much she wanted to. The wolf just stared at her in awe.

"Whoa..." He whispered, putting his tail over his paws as soon as he sat down. "What are you?" He asked, instead of attacking Northstar, as she thought he would do that. Northstar opened her mouth to speak. "I'm Northstar, Northstar Nevada. A-and I'm a pegasus," She explained, flicking her tail.

"A pegasus?" He asked carefully, studying the black pegasus very closely. "Y-yep." Northstar said, cracking a smile. Ta'kar smiled back brightly. "Well, I'm Ta'kar. Ta'kar Noboro." He put his paw out. Northstar shakily put her hoof in his paw, shaking it.

"Friends?" Northstar looked at Ta'kar. A friend? Wait, no. That's normal - well, not to her - to have a friend. But to have a wolf friend? Now that would definitely kick her out of the herd.

But she didn't care. If having a wolf friend means having any friends at all, she'd take it. "Yeah, sure," She said, putting her hoof back on the ground.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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