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LORELAI JOLIE WILLCOX HAD ALWAYS KNOWN that she was special. Not in the sense that she had always known she was a witch, or that she could do things without meaning for them to happen. Moreso in the sense that her mother, Madelina, had always made it her number one priority to reassure her only daughter that she was special ― the girl supposed it was because she had witnessed the accident that had taken her twin brother Alexander, or Skander as he was simply known, away at such a cruelly young age.

The night after Alexander's funeral, Lorelai got the distinct impression that perhaps she was special in a different way. She had been ten years old, four months shy of her eleventh birthday, and so angry that her brother had gone that she had accidentally smashed her bedroom window. Madelina hadn't been cross with her young daughter, instead mumbled something about strong emotions before sending her to sleep in her bed with her and calling someone out to fix the window the next morning.

Lorelai knew she was special, but she didn't know how special.


On the reasonably warm spring day that Lorelai turned eleven years old, a woman in sleek black robes with silver framed glasses turned up on the doorstep and shared a letter, and a conversation that opened up her eyes to just how special she was. Madelina, whilst alarmed by the news, hadn't been surprised despite not wanting to have anything more to do with the wizarding world ― leaving Lorelai in the safe hands of the woman who had taken the girl to make the purchases that she would need for her first year.

Even though nothing much had changed between Lorelai and her mother, it was obvious to see that the mother-daughter relationship had been strained, something that had began to wear the young girl down. Lorelai Jolie Willcox was, however, incredibly resilient. Of course, she had to be after witnessing Skander leave this world, so it was not at all impossible for her to act as though her mother's emotional distance was bringing her any heartache. For in time, Lorelai found herself gaining new friends, and a new family.

Having being sorted into Gryffindor House, something that had been a surprise to the Hogwarts professors, Lorelai had met her best friend Angelina Johnson, who she was lucky enough to share a dorm with, and a set of identical twin boys by the name of Fred and George Weasley. She had flourished in the magical environment, not the smartest in her year but incredibly talented when it came to duels and Potions. The relationship between her and her mother becoming more strained with every year that had passed them, so Hogwarts had become her home. The Burrow, somewhere she spent her summers, had become her second home; Molly Weasley becoming increasingly maternal with her.

Entering her fifth year, Lorelai hadn't expected much to change. Only, when your new professors seem overly wary around her, despite being a Gryffindor, the girl knows that nothing is ever going to be the same again. Not only that, the girl was adamant that she was never going to fall in love, only when your best friend is somewhat of a smooth talker, the unexpected happens.

But after all, sometimes it is the unexpected that often leads to wonderful things.


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