the mask: the rampage begins

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the mask is deadly... but it broke out of containment and its gonna go on a rampage... so, we need to get it before it does.

soon a sodier been turned into a recreation and its like a plauge...
everyone gets attacked by the recreation and there guts have been ripped out by the zombie-like creature.
some people are still alive and have not died yet and some of them don't even have organs to be eaten by the reaper...
people in the town were also affected by the reapers influence but they were still alive after all...
a few people were found dead on the streets and no one knows how or why...
Jane walked down the street... then she saw the mask get on her, she falls down for a moment then gets back up, after killing a few people having no control over the influence and control over the mask... her body drops and she slowly develops into a recreation.
She looks at the reaper...
it had a black mask, it was looking at her and she felt cold.
The reaper looks at Jane again... and it starts laughing...
the reaper laughs and laughs...
the reaper laughs and laughs...
she realized what happend and she will be stuck in this universe while her recreation self helps in the killings of the mask...
her recreation self goes to a small group of people and kills one and turns him into a replica of her.
Jane went to another group and killed three people and turned each of them into replicas of their selves.
Her recreation self started walking around and picking up people's possessions...

the mask already took over half of the world, in under a hour and everyone were locked in safehouses hoping for the best...
they never came though and now all the people are in danger...
Jane started running towards the reaper,
Chapter 2
officer Kennet found a study on the recreations it read "recreations are zombielike tall creatures with sharp claws, they are only made when the mask influences the victim, and they deform the victim as well."
Kennet was confused at first but he continued reading...
after finishing the paper Kennet decided to look through some more files of people...
he looked through every file on every person the reaper controlled except the people who got away.
After about two hours of searching he finally found his answers...
but the mask saw he wad reading info on what he made, so the mask starts chasing kennet and kennet runs to the military base as fast as he can and shows the sodiers and they write it down and store it, by then though the mask finials broke the fence and was gonna kill all of the sodiers.
Chapter 3
Kennet woke up to the sound of someone crying in the other room..
Kennet groaned as he sat up,
"what happened?" he called out.
no answer.
Kennet sighed as he stood up, but he realized how the realm he will have to survive the mask in a closed infinite-room place, the rooms all represented his worst fears, and these are gonna slow him...
Kennet tried to find the source of the crying but he couldn't hear anything, maybe he imagined it?
the mask now starts flying towards him and he has to run, or he will probably die to him!
Kenet ran out of the room and down the hallway, trying not to make too much noise...
He ran into a bathroom door and slammed it shut, he heard the mask crash into the wall behind him but Kenneth did nothing to stop it.
kennet was slowly killed by the mask then the mask forced the recreation out of the realm.

the recreation's last thought before being torn from the real world was "I miss you, Mom."
Chapter 4
Maude woke up and saw the mask waiting for her, she grabs it and trys to kick it and finsh it but the mask called in a group of soldier recreation's and start firing at her and she has to run!.

she kept running but when she entered the living area she is shot in the gut but still has to run to survive..
maude kept running until she found a closet, she pushed the door open and the recreation followed her inside.
she tried to slam the door shut but the recreation pushed it open, then it grabbed maude and it was now just a shadow...
maude screamed and ran out of the closet and into the hall. Maude ran into the kitchen and took a knife and defended herself from the recreations, and soon enough it is dead...
Chapter 5
the mask almost took over the world but... a group of only 250,000 people were in a raft island and no one survived the apocalypse.
The people managed to find shelter in a small village near the shore, but they didn't know if they were safe anymore because...
all of the recreation's got out of the sea and started attacking people and everyone tried to fight the horde of zombies off, but most people got injured and they eventually gave up. at a base, the commander comes out, he pops out his weapon, he gives a order for the high tech capsule, to launch into space so the mask can't damage it. He prepares to hunt the mask and destroy all recreations.
The recreation's follow the capsule, which is getting closer and closer to the sun... the capsule suddenly explodes and creates an enormous hole in the sky! Everyone's shocked because they were watching everything unfold live...
The recreation's fall out of the sun and are surrounded by fireballs. Then they fall apart and scatter to the winds...
with the research broken, as well as a engineering squad, he knows the mask had to do somthing with the event, filled with rage, he gets up and he is ready to hunt the mask.
Chapter 6
the mask flew through the sky and landed outside of the compound and it took a lot of effort and energy to get to it...
It was in a state of complete destruction,
the mask goes up to the reaper, and takes its essence, he betrayed his own teamate.
but the commander jumps in, and the mask takes over the reapers dead body to fight against the commander.

the mask: the rampage beginsWhere stories live. Discover now