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Lovestruck Series

'Do what makes you happy; be with whoever makes you happy,' they say. But what if the things or people that make you happy aren't what you need?

There are some things that go together that make you happy but don't necessarily result to something good in the long run. But you keep coming back to it. Like your heart is bound to keep wanting it.

Like drugs and candy. Like cigarettes and alcohol. Like tempting fatty foods and a high-sugar drink. Like two hearts bound to retrace its steps back to each other, craving for the familiar rush.

And after sleeping with her ex-boyfriend's best friend, Nadia finds her and Elias in this same category.


content warning ⛔️
18+ themes and language
including those but not limited to sex,
minor blasphemy, and profanities.


Any resemblance to real people and other stories are purely coincidental.

(a note from March 2023)
this is the first and last time i'm saying something about this.

whether you like a story or not, i think it at least deserves to be paid a layer of respect to the time and commitment given into making it. whether a story is good or bad, it is still someone else's.

if it's a bad story, then it's my bad story.

this is not to accuse anyone but to remind to not plagiarize anyone's work in any form. stop being so disrespectful to other creators.

and ultimately, stop insulting your own capabilities. :)



also, mamatay na kokopya neto sa tiktok HAHA


Story Guide

You can read my stories in any order, but some stories are connected.

I. Hushed Hearts
Fleeting Moments (Completed, Self-published)
Permanently Yours

II. Cervantes Family
Cholo: The Art of Kissing Back (Completed)
Chen: The Art of Free Falling
Chio: Between Your Lips and Mine

III. Cliche:
Wrong Attachment Received (Completed)
Where Our Love Lies (Completed)
Weddings for Dummies Part One (Completed)

IV. Lovestruck
Hatemate Part One (Completed)
Hatemate Part Two (Completed)
Half Meant (Completed)
Craving (Completed)

Thank you!


01/14/2023 –

© ynativity 2023
All Rights Reserved

Heartbound (Lovestruck Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon