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Zhan was observing Yibo but Yibo calmed himself.

Ziyi!!! You saved my life I'm thankful....but world and family they'll not understand our love...

Zhan baby what are you saying?

I'm saying that here he is married to me...what to do with him....and you know my career will be destroyed if we did something like that....

Yibo was listening their conversation silently but his grip was tight on knife.
Zhan removed his drip and stood up he took the knife in his left hand cause his right hand was bandaged so he couldn't move his right hand.
He was serious with knife in his hand he went near Ziyi....

Zhan what are you doing baby...put that knife down...

No Ziyi no one will understand our love...but I know a solution you gave me blood...now give your life for the sake of our love...let's die together...

B-but Z-zhan....I..I...no...Zhan

Why not...we are so in love; and I'm ready to die along with you...
Let me do it for you....just a single cut on wrist....and...slowly slowly blood will drain from body that's it...

Noooo...no...Zhan baby ...listen to me...

What's the problem Ziyi...we can do it...and you are courageous...you gave me blood...I'm thankful that you are in my life...

Zhan grabbed Ziyi's hand and was ready to cut her wrist when she forcefully yanked her hand from his grip and angrily shouted..

No no I'm not going to die and I was not the one who gave you blood...he is the one...

She referred to Yibo and angrily stomped out of room. Yibo took knife from Zhan's hand...

Dd are you not going to ask me what she said and all...

You need to drink this soup...

Zhan sat down on bed. Yibo settled bed and table. Zhan lifted spoon with his left hand but was unable to eat so Yibo took the spoon and started to feed Zhan 😋
Zhan was continuously looking Yibo who seemed like not slept for months.

Dd why you gave me blood and save my life...when I was the one who hurted you enough to kill me..

I just did what was right in that situation.

Yibo silently feed him after that wiped his mouth with napkin he put utensils on side table and removed table.
After that he gave apples to Zhan he ate them.
Yibo was in dilemma.
Should I give him or not?



What are you thinking?


Yibo with bracelet went near Zhan he just held Zhan's hand and put the bracelet and went out the room.
Zhan was looking at door. He then looked at bracelet and 😈
Wang Yibo you are changed...
Zhan how are you feeling?

Oh Yubin! Finally you are here I don't wanna be here...I want to go home so go and prepare my discharge papers..

O hello! Mr. Xiao Zhan. You need doctors permission..and doctor said you need to spend 1 week here but because of you when I requested he said you need to be here at least for 2 days.

What 2 days?? You know very well that I have work to do...

I can't help you dear Zhan...sorry take care and bye...

Hey!hey! Yubin....Yubin...

Yubin ran out of ward but Zhan was still scolding him.
Its been two days Zhan was in hospital but for his surprise he never felt this comfortable being in hospital. Yibo took care of him 24*7 but in these two days he never talked to Zhan. Zhan was enjoying Yibo's changed behaviour towards him.

Now it was time for Zhan to go home. Yibo came inside ward with clothes. He gave clothes to Zhan and was about to leave when Zhan grabbed his hand.

Where are you going ?

I'm going to ask Yubin if papers are ready...

Dd you don't need to go for that...just help me in changing clothes...


What, what...I said help me in changing clothes I still can't move my hand you know...


Yibo was hesitant at first but there was no way he can escape from there so he helped Zhan.
When Yibo was helping Zhan was staring him deeply.


Thanks for reading 😊

Hate in Heart ❤️‍🔥 YIZHAN Where stories live. Discover now