(Sam Guthrie) Sleepy Scoundrel

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Prompt: tickling you from the back before actually hugging you.

  It was the end of a wonderful summers day. Memories holding your attention as you wash the day down the drain. The inhabitants of the Xavier mansion had decided today was the perfect day for a beach trip. To hell with the lessons and training sessions, Today was to be spent swimming, getting your sun tan on, and eating frozen treats. 

  What made it even more special, were your friends. The constant drama of superhero life can take a toll, epsecially on hormonal teenagers. The beach provided them with a chance to shake the weight of the world off of their shoulders and just be kids. You found yourself sitting on the shore throughout the trip, watching the younger mutants play. Their smiles becoming contagious. At one point your boyfriend, Sam Gutherie, came up to you and asked

  "Whats got you smilin'?" The boy asks, Joy filling not just his voice but his eyes. His hair ruffled up and thick souther accent making your smile widen.

  "Well, right now its you." you say, standing up with help from sam.

  "now, last one to the water has to mend wolverines costumes!" You shout, giving Sam a quick kiss on the cheek before taking off at full speed. Sam lets out a hearty laugh and chases after you. The task in question would never fall on either of you, but the thought alone is enough to put pep in the step of any Xavier student.


  You let out a sigh and turn off the shower faucet. The memories still replaying as you dry off and put on your lounge wear. The lounge wear in question being a pair of grey shorts and one of Sams shirts. The shirt is an old "Lila Chainey" Concert Tee he got in the early days of being a new mutant. It still fits him perfectly. On you, it looks more like a dress. A short dress, stopping just above the knees. All of Sam's shirts fall on you like this, and it drive him absolutely wild.

  You crept to the kitchen to get something to eat before bed. Most of the new mutants were already passed out. Either on their beds or around the TV. While inetently scanning through a cabinet, you felt something start to graze your mid section. 

  Before you knew it, you were laughing up a storm. There was no question who was behind this tickle attack. You would know those strong hands anywhere. Between gasps, you exclaim in a whisper:

  "Samuel Zachery Guthrie if you dont stop this right now!" he chuckles and wraps his arms around you, giving you a break from the torture he made you endure.

  "Using mah middle name now? I mustuh' really messed up." He rests his chin on the top of your head, pulling you closer into his embrace.

  "Well maybe I wouldnt have to use it if you werent being such a scoundrel, hm?" you place your hands on the arms wrapped around your midsection. He seems to mull over your statment, placing a kiss to your crown before responding.

  "Didn't think about that." he murmurs. His sleepiness seems to be just as contagious as the smiles from the kids at the beach. As soon as his big strong arms find their place around your mid section, all you wanted to do was go and fall asleep with your boyfriend.

  "You gettin' tired?" You ask. Your fingers tracing patterns on his arm.

  "Jus' a little bit buttercup." he answers, a yawn following soon after. You give up on the snack search to tend to your boyfriend. Turning to face him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  "Wanna take me up to bed, handsome?" He grins a mischievous grin and before you know it, your in his arms. He picks you up bridal style, This question needing no mulling over. The promise of his beautiful girl in his bed seems to give him just enough energy to perform the task. You giggle and stay close to his chest.

  "Anything for mah girl."

  And with that, you were off to his room for a long over due cuddle session. Completly unaware of the younger mutants giggling and making fun of you two from the other side of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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