{Every Cloud has a Silver Lining... Mine Just Happens to be Black}

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Hello folks. This is a story I have been writing for years, but dont worry it's all saved so you wont have to wait forever for updates...

I hope you like it, it does get more exciting I promise.

Only one of these characters is mine, but you all know that.

I hope you like it, please rate, message, any ideas for anything...


'Sweetheart, you need to get up' a small voice whispered in my ear. 'Quickly he's coming up the stairs, get into the bathroom'

I opened my eyes and shot out of bed. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror after carefully bolting the door, my long black hair was all wavy and frizzy, I had black circles under my eyes and a bruise on my left cheek, but considering my sudden awakening you were feeling very good about today. This was it, finally going to Hogwarts. I was actually 15 years old, therefore going into my 5 year but I had never been allowed to go before because my father had always kept me at home.

In my 3rd year I had been so ready to go, he locked me in the cellar for a week. This may seem drastic but not unusual. I stepped into the shower and thought about my father...

He was a leading man at the ministry, head of intercontinental affairs; therefore he went away a lot. I had often been left with Katherine, the maid in my ridiculously huge house and the only person who had ever cared about me. It was her who had let me out of the cellar and given me food, and it was she who had cared for me and told me that one day you might be allowed to Hogwarts, where your brothers went. I had 2 older brothers, both at Hogwarts already, both in Slytherin. There names were James and Edward, one in 7th and one in 6th year. I was only being allowed to Hogwarts this year as my father was away nearly all year, for some promotion thing and didn't want me in the house by myself.

An hour later I was stood in front of the fire, waiting for my father to go first. He had given me a bag of money and spat at me that that he didn't want to see me again until the summer, before pulling back my long black hair and forcing me to kiss him on the cheek and thank him. I quickly grabbed some floo powder, kissed an aging Katherine goodbye and yelled Diagon Ally in the fire.

I landed in a pub, full of wizards and witches and people dressed in brightly coloured clothes and robes. A sign above the door told me that this was the Leaky Cauldron, and where Katherine had told me to book a room for the night. I went over to the bar man, he was really nice, showing me to my room and telling me that I could order anything I want for dinner and Tom would get it for me. I thanked him and pulled out the list of things that you had received about what I needed. I crossed the pub, and went out into the stone courtyard. There was nothing there except 2 overflowing dustbins. Slightly confused I was just debating going back inside when the back door burst open and a group of boys came running out, and the first one smacked into me, knocking me to the floor then tripping over himself. I found myself staring into a pair of gray eyes, with black hair draped over your face, however I was slightly crushed with the wind knocked out of me.

'Holy Sh..., where did you come from' he muttered.

'Sorry I was umm just trying to get to Diagon Alley, I was a bit confused I-'

‘Don’t worry Miss' this time it was a cool calm voice form somewhere beyond all that hair. The guy on top of me sat up, still crushing my legs but holding his lip which was bleeding slightly. His shifting of weight made something dig into my back, I cried out at the sudden pain. His friend got the guy up and helped me too.

'Oh crap, sorry' said the guy who banged into me.

'Whoa Mooney, can you heal cuts yet?' Asked a tall dark haired boy, with crooked glasses

'No why?'

'What happened back there, it really hurts' I asked

'Umm you've cut your back on come glass, come on we'll get you into the shops, I’m sure someone there will help. James Potter' He held out his hand and I shook it saying 'Alexsis Tuson, or just Alex' I smiled at each of the guys in turn as they introduced themselves as Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and finally the boy who had banged into you Sirius Black. No denying it, he was... BEAUTIFUL! Tall and muscular, wearing ripped jeans and a tight red top. He took me by the hand to steady me and then walked you through the stone arch after James and everyone.

Once through the arch, the guys all turned and looked at me, however I turned to check my reflection in the mirrored windows; my hair had fallen out so I scrunched it backup and put it in a messy bun, with bits naturally falling down over my face. Then I brushed the dirt off your tight-ish jeans and my grey top, which read Midnight, in black lettering. As I turned, Sirius’ eyes fell down to your top, looking down you saw the top of your black bra showing over the top of the neck line. Blushing deep red I pulled it up and then play hit Sirius for looking sad. He smiled at me and I suddenly felt like little fireworks were exploding in my stomach.

'Come on we're going to get some robes, want to come?' he asked

'Yes sure... where do we go for those?'

'Where have you been for the last 5 years?' Asked Sirius, suddenly suspicious

‘Just... at home, so come on you, I reckon you owe me one, so will you help me get me things?'

'Hmmm go on then!' He smiled and led me by the hand to a close by shop, where I bought 10 sets of new robes and everything needed in my school uniform list and a special jumper which I could charm to my house colours. Then I got my books and a few extra, and potion ingredients. The boys finally lead me into a shop that sold all manner of joke items. I already felt like I was good friends with the guys, who called themselves the Marauders. After filling up my pockets with sweets and tricks, I went in and bought a big fluffy ginger cat, I called it Jessica and then, as the sun was just casting a red glow over the sky, the guys walked you back to the leaky cauldron, with a promise to meet them on the train!

{Every Cloud has a Silver Lining... Mine Just Happens to be Black}Where stories live. Discover now