Walter's Seed

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Christmas. 🎄The best day of the year. The one day I can see my family. Since I've been in college, I haven't been home so much. I really miss my mom, dad, and brother.

"Crystal!" My dad shouts from the front door. "Long time no see!" I see my mom and hot uncle behind him.

"Hi dad!" I scream running up to see my family. I greet everyone else: my mom, aunt, hot uncle, and brother. I look down and see my mom looks a bit more , filled out . Wtf? What have they been doing lately 🤨. I walk into the house with my family and sit down at the dining table to catch up.

"So mom," I begin, "What's news? I see some, riviting changes." Im confused because I feel like they should've told me if they had a pregnant. My mom smiles, "Yes the rumors are true, Im expecting." The family claps. 😳 I seem to missed a lot! "I think I should have the right to name it!" I exploded. "I love the Christmas season. I think her name should be Jolly." The whole dinner table is silenced. "I was thinking of Holly!" Yells Walter (my dad) My glorious uncle chimes in, "Great mines think alike!"

We all laugh and have a great Christmas time, until we hear tires screeching out front. My dad looks concerned, "Hold on everybody, I need to. Water my plant." He flies outside. That was weird 🤔 I'm a very curious person and my curiousity takes over. I look out the window and see an old Rusty RV. My dad gets into it. My dad: Walter White. The RV moves around a lot, jiggles and wiggles. What the freak is my dad doing in there. 😱 He then aggressively slams the door and runs out of the RV. And comes back inside. I get a simple look at the driver who's driving away. He looks like very. I don't know I didn't see him.

I run back to the dinner table as my dad comes back inside. "Dad why do you look so mad?" My brother asks "I get very freaking frustrated about my plants!" My dad hollers. I Try ignore what just happened and eat my Christmas ham. But I can't stop thinking about who could've been in that RV...

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