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Dad always worried that I might not make it in the hero program. He didn't knew though that his friend had been training me to fight since I was little because I begged him to teach me. My quirk merely helped with that. I'm a telepath, although I don't always hear everyone's thoughts, I have to actually use my quirk to look through someone's mind.

With the help of my training I was able to pass the exam, now I'd be in his class. The man who taught me to fight, the man I was in love with since I mentally matured, the man who was best friends with my dad, the man who was now my teacher, would be much closer than before.

The principal of course though just had to reinstitute the dorm system. What made it even worse was that my room was right next to his on the second floor, all because my father wanted me to be safe.

Today is moving day though, we have to actually set up my room in the dorms. There was a lot of people there but they were all very busy. At least my dad took the day off work to help me set up. It took seven hours but overall it was so worth it. My room looked amazing. I also had my snack closet, personal toaster oven, and mini fridge. My room already felt more like home than my own house did.

When my dad actually left, I got to introduce myself to everyone and then pass out in my brand new room.

The first day of school came sooner than expected and I couldn't help but snicker when I saw my mess of hair. I brushed it out nicely and then got into my clothes. The uniform though was making me very uncomfortable, I just hoped that no one would be paying too much attention to my now very visible arms and thighs. The real issue though would likely be Aizawa. He notices everything. Due to this I do my best to hide certain things from him in specific.

When I left the room, I was very tense, crossing my arms and trying to be invisable to everyone. When I got to class I sat in the dead center of the room and took a deep breath to prepare myself mentally.

Aizawa started class and gave a little speech before telling us to go outside. I was last in line to get my gym uniform and I couldn't stop my rapid heart beat of anxiety.

"Are you going to explain or am I going to have to tell your father?"

"Please don't tell him, it's all just scars I've been clean for almost a month.. it would kill him to know and he'd take me out of school.."

"I have to tell him, this isn't something I can keep from him but, I will tell him you don't want to talk about it and you want things to stay normal, but I will be telling him to get you a therapist at the very least."

"O-okay.." out of my curiosity while a tear rolled down my face, I entered his mind.

Why would she do this to herself? I knew she was struggling but how could I not see how bad it was?! I'm better than that, I have to help her. I just hope she'll actually open up to me . ... I'll talk to her about it later.

Out on the field everyone was lined up and ready.
"Tsukautchi you can sit out for this one since I already know your skill set." I silently thanked him and sat down in the grass.
"What why does she get to sit out?!" The class all yelled in unison.
"Because I've known her for years and I'm only trying to gauge your skill sets. She has already done this test."

I giggled at the obvious favoritism.

When I got home I was nervous. My dad was waiting for me. The moment I closed the door behind me, he came over and squeezed me into a tight hug.
"He said you don't want to talk about it and I understand, but you need to at least tell me when you need help. Your first therapist appointment is on Friday."


"I want you to spend some time with me tonight before you take the last of your things to the dorms."


"Come on, we can watch your favorite movie if you want, just spend some time with me."

I put my bag down and grabbed a bag of chips before sitting down on the couch with my dad. The tension in the air was uncomfortable.

I curled up in a blanket on the couch and watched the princess bride with my father, once it was over I went to my room and grabbed the last of my things. All that was left was my bedding and 11 pillows. I have a much bigger bed now thankfully and I have a bigger room that the others, like Aizawa, because of well, favoritism. My bed is closed in so that I can line my pillows on the sides to make myself a little nest.

My room still needed to be decorated with my creative touch but for now it was good. Once I got to the dorms from dad dropping me off, I went right to my room and began to set up my bed. I put the soft, dark gray sheets on my memory foam mattress and then put on my mind sized blanket that I had folded in half. After that was my comforter with a moon cycle design. I then set up all my pillows around the sides and put my other favorite blankets on there. I took up my two favorite plushies and snuggled up for bed, exhausted from such a mentally draining day.

Hopefully Aizawa won't work us too hard tomorrow.

(Her pajamas)

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(Her pajamas)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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