Chapter 1 Change

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"Alright class that's the bell you may go to lunch". Thank god I thought. I'm so tired of class. In case you were wondering my names Bryce Newman I'm a sophomore at Juniper High. I enjoy any sport and play any possible. I also really enjoy gaming it's a fun lifestyle. "Hey Bryce" a girl said. Oh hey Astraea". Astraea is my best friend she has an adorable height of 5'4 and blond hair blue eyes and just a dream girl. Not that I like her or anything it's just an expression. "How is your day going"? She asked. "Slow and painful as usual". "We'll that's no fun". "When is school ever fun"? "It's fun when you make it fun" she said. We got in line for lunch and got our food. We sat on the table with our other friends, Jake, Matt, Lilly, and Michelle. Jake is around 5'8 like me black hair. Matt is African American roughly 5'11 black hair green eyes. Lilly is 5'9 pretty tall for a girl I thought she's tan and has brown hair brown eyes pretty too. And Michelle is 5'7 skinny white blond blue eyes and in love with jake even though he can't tell. "So how is everybody today"? Astraea asked. "Good" they replied. We'll tonight's the paintball tournament 6v6 finals are you all ready? "Hell yeah"! Matt replied. "That prize money is so ours." "We'll whatever the case we get second at least". I said. "true, true" they agreed. "Small talk Is boring let's go play some football outside". Jake said. "Well technically this isn't small talk but yeah good idea" I said. We than got up and walked outside to find freshman playing two hand touch. "Ah come on freshys let's play some tackle us vs you". Matt exclaimed. "Im good". one of them said. "Haha pussys" I said. "What did you say"? The bigger one said. I walked up too him looked him dead in the eye and said, "pussys". he turned around put the ball down and whipped around to hit me in the face. I fell but got up and smiled. "Big mistake" I said. quickly I used my leg to kick his and he fell over I them laid on him a hard punch in the face and he never got up again. Some teachers came out and took us inside. "your getting charged for assault". They told me. "No I'm not he hit me first and I only did what I had to, to make him stop". "Go ask my friends"! "Is this true"? They asked him. He paused but said yes. "He ended up getting the charges I really don't care maybe he will learn. I walked out of the office and laughed. It was sixth period and I had to head to class. The rest of the day was boring and I got home at 4 PM. I had to get ready for paintball in an hour so I found my equipment and waited for Matt to pick me up. (Honk) He was outside and he yelled "hurry up"! I left and got in the car. "Lets go". It took maybe 10 minutes. And we were ready.
We got there and everyone was equipped and prepared. we got on our sides and waited for announcements of finals to begin. "Today is the 19th annual Juniper paintball tournament finals".
Oh in case you were wondering I live in Juniper a medium sized town in literally no where. "Today we have team Universal vs team Punishment". Team Universal is led by Bryce and Punishment is led by Dre. Teams prepare you have 5 minutes. "Alright guys I said same plan as usual we should easily win" I said. "Alright let's do this one two three Universal"! "Ten seconds" the announcer said. "Go"! We rushed out and got in position. "Matt to your right"! He popped out of his cover and shot and hit his target. Over the announcement it said player out. "Move in"! Lilly said to Matt and Michelle. "Two out"! Crap I thought. We played until it came to Astraea and I against their Last one, their leader. "Astraea draw him out so I can make the shot." "Will I most likely be shot?" "Yeah but I will get him for it I promise" I said. "We'll you better" she replied. She stepped out in the open and slowly walked. out of the corner of my eye I saw the guys shadow begin mine I quickly turned around and shot. "out"! People roared with excitement. both of us were out. Good thing Astraea actually did well. The team ran out to us and had a group hug. After that the team went and got pizza. "I knew we would win"! Lilly exclaimed. "I'm glad Bryce had his eye in the right place". Matt said. "What are we doing this weekend"? Astraea asked. "I'm not sure but we will figure it out" Michelle said. We actually never did anything that weekend it was a lazy one. Monday came around and school was pretty damn boring as usual. lunch came around and we had our usual small talk. "Did you see the game last night Bryce"? Matt asked.  "Yeah it was killer" jake agreed. We than started to walk down the hallway until we heard a gunshot. "Students lockdown imm.. it paused. Than we heard screaming and we left the lunchroom to see people being kidnapped and teachers being shot. I've never seen such a blood bath. "Help"! Michelle screamed. we turned around and she was being kidnapped. we ran to the guy but was stopped. One by one we were grabbed until I was alone. I was able to use my pocket knife I keep with me to stop a couple of them but I eventually was knocked out. I didn't know where we were going or why but I wish i knew what or why we had this happen to us. When I regained consciousness the first thing I heard was "this one lives contain him".

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