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Mark stood over his friend's body, frozen in fear as he looked down to see his friend's neck gashed open. His lifeless body sprawled on the floor.  Tears welled in Mark's eyes and he fell to his knees as sobs wracked his frame. He couldn't move or speak; all he could do was sit there crying as he watched his best friend die before his very eyes.
It felt as though time stopped moving as Mark sat in that room. Not moving at all except for the constant tears streaming down his face. He was lost, broken inside; it was as though his world had crashed down around him once again after years of being okay. Everything hurt; everything was too much. It felt like nothing would ever get better ever again.
As more time passed the feeling started to fade away. He finally stopped crying and regained his sanity. He pressed his hand against Cesar's face. Cold; Of course. Mark plied himself off the cold, blood-covered floor and walked over to the wall, grabbing the phone shakily and calling the police.

They said they were on their way and soon came to the apartment building, but they didn't arrive until a few minutes later. The policemen who showed up were shocked by what happened. They had no idea what happened. When they questioned him Mark told them about his call with Cesar when he was attacked while still on the line.  They asked if Mark had seen the attacker or if he knew how. He replied with 'I don't know' and the police asked to speak to Cesar's family so they could talk about what happened. Mark just nodded his head, unable to say anything else. As soon as they left Mark ran upstairs into the bathroom to throw up. His body shook violently as he retched up everything he consumed the previous night.
He then washed his mouth and threw up one more time because it was now empty. Mark felt utterly defeated by the events tonight, so when his doorbell rang he wasn't expecting company. But when he opened the door, he saw
Adam and Jonah standing there looking worried. "Heya Bud...You need some company?" Mark tiredly hugged Jonah and nodded with his head digging into Jonah's Hoodie.

He needed someone to comfort him right now. Mark let the boys inside and followed them to the living room. As soon as they all sat down, Mark laid his head down in Jonah's lap and began sobbing uncontrollably.
Jonah was trying not to cry. He wanted to be strong for Mark. He knew how it felt.  To lose someone close to you, knowing that it was your fault because you weren't paying attention. "What happened? How did this happen?" Adam was speaking softly as he rubbed circles on Mark's back, hoping that his touch would calm Mark down. Adam knew exactly how it felt to feel helpless because he was like that too. "Wanna watch a movie?" Adam spoke up. "S-Sure..." Adam chose Cars 2.

He knew it always made Mark happy whenever they watched it together so why not take advantage of the situation and try to make Mark happier? Jonah looked over at Adam and nodded. As Adam picked the remote up and searched through Netflix, Jonah leaned forward so his arm rested on Mark's shoulders.
"Hey, Mark," Jonah softly said to Mark. "Do you want me to stay here with you?" Mark lifted his head from Jonah's lap and looked up at him. "Yes, please." Jonah smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'll stay here with you." Mark smiled and laid his head back down on Jonah's lap. Adam turned the TV on and selected the movie.
Once the movie was set up, Adam pulled out his laptop to edit the movie. "Why are we editing movies anyway?" Jonah asked. "Because Mark is sad and wants something positive to happen." Jonah nodded and put an arm around Mark. Mark slowly began to drift off and sleep, unaware of how close Jonah and Adam were sitting.
When Mark woke up he noticed he was cuddling someone else. As he woke up, he tried to move but realized he had been carried somewhere. Opening his eyes, he found himself lying in Jonah's arms. As he tried to sit up, he saw a figure in front of him. It looked like Adam, but he was holding a tray filled with food, so who was it? "Jonah? Adam?" The two men turned around.
"Oh! You're awake!" Jonah gently lowered Mark onto the bed. "Yeah...where am I? Are you guys taking care of me?" Jonah smiled and nodded. "Yeah. We're taking good care of you." Mark blushed slightly at that statement.
After Mark ate breakfast, Jonah helped him get dressed. After they finished dressing Mark went downstairs so he could help clean up the kitchen. After cleaning up the kitchen, Mark went back upstairs, where Jonah and Adam were waiting for him.
"Ready to go?" Adam held Mark's hand and guided him outside. "We'll go to the cafe and grab some coffee, I'll come to pick you up later, alright?" Mark nodded and took a deep breath.
Adam and Jonah drove Mark to the cafe and then brought him back home afterwards. During dinner, Mark and Adam talked about their day, which seemed to have gone smoothly. Once Mark and Adam cleaned up and were ready for bed, Adam climbed in next to Mark and wrapped his arms around Mark's waist, nuzzling his nose into Mark's neck. "Hey...Adam..." Mark quietly spoke. "Yes, Mark?"
"...Do you...like having me...?"
Adam thought for a moment before answering. "...Not as much as you like having me," he whispered so he wouldn't wake Jonah. "Oh." Mark blushed lightly and buried his face into Adam's chest.
Before Mark fell asleep, Adam placed a soft kiss on Mark's temple.

le end.

just realised that it kinda seemed like Mark, Jonah and Adam are dating. idc I ain't saying yes or no. also if you want more ask :/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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