Working Out.

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TW: Eating Disorder 

Requested by kkkkk_WriterAtHeart


Namjoon stood in front of his mirror to change, and for the first time in his life, he hated what he was looking at.

He'd grown quite insecure the past couple of days. After shooting a Run BTS episode that involved them getting into bathing suits and playing around in water, he couldn't help but notice things about his body he didn't like.

I could lose a little weight around here. I can lose a little weight around there. Was ARMY as disgusted as I was looking at myself?

His door flew open as Taehyung walked in to tell him they had to leave for the studio soon. Taehyung looked at Namjoon and playfully winked because the leader was standing there with his shirt off before turning and leaving. Usually Namjoon would laugh whenever his members teased him like that, but now he felt extremely embarrassed.

He didn't want anyone even looking at him.

He finished getting ready and headed out with his members. On the way there Jimin begged if they could stop for breakfast, he was starving. Hobi, who was driving, said sure and they stopped at a small breakfast cafe.

"Let's make it quick," Jin said. They were already running a little bit late as it was. The members couldn't help but notice that Namjoon said he didn't want to eat anything.

"But hyung we have a long day," Jungkook pouted as he bit into his sandwich, "And our leader needs his brain food." Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin started giggling. Namjoon laughed it off and claimed he had something quick to eat before they had left the house. The members all accepted that as a good enough answer.

Once they got to the the studio, they were immediately immersed in intense dance practice for hours. Although they complained about how much work it was, they still enjoyed themselves.

"At least it's good exercise," Namjoon smiled. Which was what he felt he needed. Exercise, and a lot more of it. He thought about how after dance practice he was going to head straight to the gym to work out. No matter what.

"I don't want exercise, I want snacks," Yoongi pouted. The others agreed that they'd gotten hungry again so Taehyung ordered snacks for everyone. When the staff arrived with the snacks, Namjoon declined the offer.

"What?" Taehyung frowned, "Hyung you need to eat something."

"I'm not all that hungry," the leader replied. Jin walked over and felt Namjoon's forehead, "Are you sure you're feeling alright? You usually eat way better than this." The members couldn't help but feel bad that Namjoon seemingly didn't want to eat. They hoped he would begin to feel better soon.

"I feel fine." Namjoon backed away from Jin's hand. Aside from feeling like an absolute giant piece of garbage. I can't believe how big of a pig I've been with how much I've been eating. This is why I'm fat.

"Well if you're not feeling well, just tell us, okay?" Hobi asked. Everyone hated when Namjoon was sick. Being their leader, they all counted on him for a lot of things. Whenever he wasn't well or not himself they couldn't help but feel a bit lost.

"Don't worry about it," Namjoon said. "Can we just get back to practicing?" There was slight annoyance in the leaders voice that everyone picked up on. They finished their snacks and got back to practice.

Once dance practice was over, almost 9 hours later, the members could barely even walk. But Namjoon was determined to keep working out. He told everyone to head on home and he'd be back later, he was going to go to the gym for a bit.

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