cool gay kids

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Peppa pig only had 3 fingurs because she went to London because she felt like it and eat bread in library donald duck sat in the seat on tinki wink across the toilet from the frog Peppar pig Donald duck had his dogs with only 3 toes out they smell like cheese peppa looked at the devious dogs that Donald had she love feet and delicious chesey foot Barney and scrooge kissed on the sink and lala was gay so she sang man's not hot . all of a sooden what happened was just this scrooge fell on his delight dog as feet slay he look so fabulous when Jacob marley came a long saw him kiss peppa instead instead of him when married for 20 years when fall he looked so good so everyone was jealous of him and barney cry becuse scrooge lied about relationships with people then suddenly a loud fud cum from the celling it was sex, dady Elmo. Fuk meh he was smexy SLAYY Scrooge love life unlike people however marley was depressioned on his leg he sat in toilet crying but scrooge no ass he was gay and cuool later on toilet cum marley he flushed himself down toilet waaa opps so did all scrooge lovers but peppa saw him and killed stab him #gurlboss than she found old major from the animal darm and nay came spirit and popped out of peppa dad pig mouth a baby cloud came out called spirit yum old .ajor ate home mhh yumzer then piggy peppa looked at the restaurant and was hungry but elmo saw her i am a highway man play backround he cool and segy wegy and love Asia and Asia and Asia and Asda they fell over each other off confusing confusion concussion ohh slaying in the rain elmo came in seat elmo sexly brother elmo sexy you hurt me luv no rain elmo I give her baby then popped out mint scrooge weee peppa has explaining to do becus she told every won she wus at hime watching covomelon and was gay queen.

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