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Brittany was rustling around in her gym locker trying to find her favourite body wash when she felt a peculiar tingling run up her side. She could feel someone's eyes on her and she instantly snapped her head in that direction to lock eyes with none other than Santana Lopez standing down the row of lockers and staring unabashedly at her.

It was Brittany's reflex reaction to immediately look away as she too thought Santana would do when she was caught staring... but as Santana firmly held her eyes, Brittany could not contain the small, shy smile that curled her lips at Santana's blatant attention.

She was used to staring in wonder at her beautiful teammate who had caught her attention from the get go... but usually Santana would always quickly take notice and uncomfortably avoid her gaze.

Brittany was not so used to their situation being reversed all of a sudden.

It was the first time she'd had any direct contact with her new friend since they'd spent most of Saturday making out on Santana's bed following the party that had led Santana to drag her home with her and insist that Brittany explain why she would ever want to kiss a girl. Needless to say, Santana's true curiosity had been found out when Santana eventually gave in to her desires and experienced her first taste of girl on girl action with Brittany.

It had been a confusing and heartbreaking morning after that, when Santana had panicked and tried to act like it had never happened. But they had come to an understanding that perhaps did not reflect the true nature of their blossoming bond out loud... but it was enough for now and allowed them the freedom to keep on exploring their common urges in secret.

But their clashing school schedules and even the gruelling drills at Cheerios practice had seen to keeping them completely separated until now as their eyes met across the change room and a rush of nervous excitement filled Brittany up while Santana continued to stare at her.

They hadn't even talked about it or even acknowledged what they had done together since saying goodbye Saturday afternoon when it was time for Brittany to return home.

Brittany smirked to herself as she realised Santana was caught in a daydream, not even realising it herself how obvious she was being. And as Brittany took a swig of her water bottle, trying to act blasé about the whole thing but failing miserably as the smile on her lips grew; she slowly swallowed her mouthful of water and then shiftily glanced back in Santana's direction.

But Santana hadn't managed to shake herself out of her daze yet- she just carried on staring and even started to smile back at Brittany.

Brittany really couldn't believe this was happening;

Santana was staring. Santana was staring and smiling at her.

The same Santana who was terrified of anyone finding out that she really rather enjoyed kissing Brittany.

So why was she being so obvious?

Brittany wasn't sure if she should hiss at Santana and try to snap her out of it so she could remember where they were (as she was sure Santana would want if she were thinking straight) but a big part of Brittany- the part that she usually has to try and reign in around Santana in public- was enjoying knowing that Santana couldn't really bottle up her true feelings completely.

It gave Brittany hope for the future that she was really able to make Santana forget herself.

She was clearly getting to Santana now that Santana knew what was possible between them.

With her own secret smile Brittany turned towards the showers but couldn't help glancing back over her shoulder at Santana and sending her one last suggestive look that told her loud and clear that she knew she held Santana's undivided attention now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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