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(Based off the animatic above)


Platonic Yandere Mimic! Jack Manifold x Child Reader





[Name] was typing some things on their computer as they listened to some music. "[Name]!" They heard their father call from downstairs. [Name] paused their music then closed their computer and stood up. They put their hands on their hoodie pocket and exited their room.

They walked down the hallway and went to the stairwell where they saw their father's face peek out from a corner. A hand suddenly pulled them inside their father's room, it is their father. He locked the bedroom door and said "I heard it too."

Heavy thumps were heard on the walls and steps of the stairs when a more distorted, screeching version of their father's voice screamed out "[NAME]!?" [Name] covered their ears as the voice was so loud and high pitched that it hurt their ears. Their father pushed them into his closet then instructed them to keep quiet and to stay still.

He shut the closet door and pushed his wardrobe over the door then grabbed his phone to call 911. The door broke down and a monstrous, hideous version of their father crawled over the wardrobe and inside the room. It had wide eyes that had a similar e/c colour as their fathers but the skin over the facial features were stretched and melted. It was pale and looked to be rotting as it's lower jaw was agape, revealing rows of bloody, yellow sharp teeth.

It looked that their father who was sprawled on the ground then screeched "[NAME]!". It picked him of the ground and ripped his two arms off. He screamed in pain but the creature then flipped him upside down, holding him by his ankles. It spread his legs open and started to slowly rip him in two.

He screeched and yelled at the monster to stop when he suddenly went quiet as his voice was replaced by the sound of ripping flesh and gushing blood. The monster dropped his mutilated corpse and looked around the room.

"[NAME]!?" It screamed out as it rummaged through the room. It bashed against the walls and ceiling, flipped over the furnisher and bashed it's body against [Name]'s hiding place. Y/n put a hand over their mouth and tried to limit the amount of noise they were making. Only small whimpers came out and they tried to quiet themselves down as much as possible. Tears formed on the corner of their eyes as they watched from the thin slots of the closet door.

A beeping sound was heard from their dad's phone and that caught the beast's attention. It used it's tendril-like arm to pick it up from the ground. It's face twitched and shaped agressivly from side to side before it smashed the phone then ascended out the room and down the staircase.

[Name] waited for a bit then peeked out of the closet and checked around. No one was there. They crept out of the closet and looked at their surroundings. The room was a mess. The wallpaper was torn with bloodstains and a black liquid substance as the floor had traces of shattered glass and wooden debris. The bed was standing against the wall as the wardrobe laid crushed on the ground.

In front of them, on the floor, their father's dead body laid. His arms were thrown to the side as his right leg laid next to him. His eyes were bloodshot red and rolled to the back of his head as blood poured out of his body. His face was contorted and locked in his screaming face, the face that once smiled at them ever so lovingly.

They fell to their knees, one of their hands over a picture on the ground of them and their father as they wept. Their hand slipped over some blood, causing the broken glass frame to cut them and make them yelp. They slapped their uninjured hand over their mouth as the screeching monster climbed up the stairs once again.

"[NAME]!" The beast screeched out once again but this time in a more joyous and relieves tone. It lunged at [Name] who tried to scramble away but the beast's tendril arms wrapped around them and gave a tight hug. [Name] stayed frozen in fear as the monster nuzzled its malformed head onto theirs.

It started twitching and swirling it's body parts until it looked exactly like their dead father. They cried and cried as it cradled them in its arms, a look of relief on it's face. It turned around and started to walk out of the room. It locked the door behind it then walked to a different bedroom. Their bedroom.

It fell onto their bed and cuddled up near [Name]'s shivering body. It was now on the crook of their neck, tightening it's hold around them. [Name] could feel the breathing of the monster on the skin of their neck, it was cold. [Name] then unfroze and tried to struggle. They kicked their kegs as they tried to free their arms but to no use.

The beast was clearly unaffected by it and instead wrapped it's legs around [Name]'s. It looked up at [Name] with their father's loving smile and voice as it said. "Goodnight, (n/n)~." It then moved to lay it's head atop yours when it gave a sigh of satisfaction. It killed their dad, now it's the only person they can depend on.

[Name] still cried as the beast held their head on it's chest as it hummed a lullaby. It was their favorite lullaby. They didn't know why but they suddenly felt light headed, then soon, fell asleep.

(1000 words)

(Chapter 2 will be named:
Duplicated Trauma)

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