Dreams of the Soul {Naruto Fanfiction}

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Chapter One: The Moon’s Light

Here I am, punching a tree with a knife and a twisted smile. Why am I performing such eccentric behaviour to this adorable innocent tree, you ask? The answer is very simple. I don’t play nice with obscure surroundings. What so wrong with this tree, you wonder? Well, it’s no ordinary tree, no ordinary forest, nor an ordinary world. You’re confused about what I’m talking about, right? I suggest you should see a doctor for an eye test, then, since you normal people living in the normal world can’t read a title as simple as the one above. You still don’t understand what this now scarred tree has to do with it? You must be very dim-witted to not have figured it out yet. Then, I’ll start waaaaaay back to the beginning, just for you.


“Ne, Yuu?” I repeated an overly used phrase to my lifelong friend, Emily.

There was no sign of her consciousness in this pitch-black room besides her one worded question, “Nani?”

I sighed exhaustedly, not because of this fatigued body of mine but for adventures which I yearned to become my fate. “Don’t you ever wish that life would be just a bit more fun? A bit more adventurous?”

Finally wording my rhetorical question I rolled to my stomach and propped my face on my numb hands. Now facing the blinds an odd temptation charged my body, persuading me to peek past the shield blocking the mysterious Goddess, the Goddess also known as The Moon. Defying the unknown urgency to do so I listened to my friend’s question.

“Like what?” her voice interrupted my mind full of fluttering silence.

The breeze blew into my face, sweeping away the blinds to show the moonlight which always sent shivers up my spine, no matter how reluctant I am to ignore it. A childish thought crept up to my lips, challenging my mature self, as if the world decided it was time to make what was so, to be so.

“I know it sounds stupid but… I wish we were twelve again, when we were stupid and laughed uncontrollably. I wish we could go to the anime world of Naruto, but with all of our memories, and become somebody we desired to be. Someone strong, happy and mysterious. And do nothing but travel with our friends, fight off those who are bad and save those who are good. Then, after all of that, we could sit around, eating noodles, and create inseparable and unforgettable bonds.”

Silence burned my ears, waiting for my friend to reply to the most immature speech I have ever spoken since years ago, while the moon sparkles against my blue eyes, inspiring me – no – telling me I am someone who can be that.

“That’s the most childish thing I have heard you say in a looong time,” I opened my mouth to react but her foot that nudged my arm made me reluctantly stop, “But I agree.”

My eyes became enticed by the foreboding glow of the moon and with the gaze it held I began to notice the wicked fatigue that had been slowly sneaking up on me this entire time,

“I just wish… something like that… would happen… for us…”

Darkness fell upon my weary state as I began to fall into deep slumber in the oblivious of darkness. Floating in an empty plane of space that split for my dreams and that alone comforted and healed my weary body and mind. The sweet voice, which echoed through my mind in dreams for the past fifteen years, spoke words that confused me as its presence engulfed my astral body.

“Child, I’ll go against your fate to bring your wish alive. Though I will only give you a limited time before your chosen destiny may be decided. I will give guidance and aid to you and your companion on your journey. Now, don’t be afraid and let your light shine for it can become brighter than I may be. Just as I, though, others must help you. Do not be afraid or feel selfish to have been lent a hand because that is what creates bonds, voice your thoughts, Child, and shine like I know you can.”

All of her sentences never run smoothly with each other – her intentions are always messed up in her own words. But that never bothered me; I always understood her emotions as if it grew inside me, too. Her existence began to fade slowly as the dream let me fall - but to where? Curiosity began to burn in my chest what seemed like stars slowly became visible. Their touch sent an indescribable sensation throughout my insignificant being.

At the most crucial part of my dream, as always, my mind decided to become blank.


So after all of that you still do not understand the situation with the tree? Well, you have to keep on reading, then, don’t you? ;)

Next Time On ‘Dreams of The Soul’:

“Why is it that…. I don’t recall this place?”

And that’s all you’re gonna get!

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