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kazama was pushed onto the bed, and just as he tried to get up shinnosuke put both his hands onto the former's shoulders. kazama couldn't understand what was going on.
"shinno—" before he could complete his sentence he was laid on the back with shinnosuke on top of him, face inches away from his own.

"like what you see?" he smirked and god could it get harder for kazama to breathe? his mind was getting lost as couldn't utter a word, quite literally.

he wanted to say something, to stop shinnosuke from whatever was about to happen, but his mouth wouldn't open for the sake of getting him out of this situation.

as he was struggling to say something, with his face literally soaked up in sweat— he woke up. sitting up the moment his eyes opened and throwing off the blanket that felt a hundred degrees Celcius to him.

his whole body was covered in sweat, as if he had a striking high fever last night. his pants were sticking to the skin due to the sweat, his arms could barely grip anything as his forehead felt hot and cool at the same time. his hairs were as wet as it would be when he came out of the shower.

but it was nothing new, he's gotten used to it. this was the fourth time he had a dream this ridiculous in the past two weeks, and to top it all off, it was about his best friend.

the friend he's known since kindergarten. gosh, how could this be? you may ask. he doesn't know either. he has no idea why he would be thinking about such absolutely wrong things, or as he thought, such perverted things.

but today was worse of them all. they had summer vacations for the past month but today, school was starting today. and kazama couldn't bear seeing shinnosuke's face after such a dream.

the guilt of liking it was eating him up, as if he had seen the dream intentionally. the image of his friend being on top of him wasn't going to leave his mind any sooner he wished he could skip today, but that remained just a wish.

as kazama finally cools down a bit, he tries to find his phone to look at the time, but he doesn't have to do much work. the phone rings up, indicating it'd a video call from someone, and that someone is definitely shinnosuke.

he had different ringtones for different important people in his life, so that he knows who it is. how does he remember? well, ask him about that.

he quickly dives his hand under the pillow and finds his phone, but he doesn't know if he wants to pick it up or not. after seeing the dream for the second time, he avoided shinnosuke like a bug. especially looking at him, in any way.

yet, he picks it up. he couldn't avoid his best friend forever, "yo! are you done ignoring me like I'm some spam call?" shinnosuke says in his usual voice as kazama composes himself. he can't let the after effect of that dream show, not to him.

"the phone is facing towards your bedsheet, idiot" he says laughing, but regrets it a second later. he didn't want to see shinnosuke right after that dream, yet he himself dig the grave.

"oops" shinnosuke says and picks up the phone, "now, better?" and the next sight makes kazama want to hide his face into that blanket again.

shinnosuke is half naked with a towel wrapped around his waist as the water is still dripping from his hairs onto his chest. the network quality is suspiciously good today, much to kazama's luck.

kazama forgets how to talk, and keeps staring into the screen. how is he getting the full look? shinnosuke turned the phone towards the full mirror.

shinnosuke notices the expression on kazama's face as he smirks, "oh my. do you like what you see, toru kun~?" he asks in a teasing voice, making kazama snap out of his thoughts.

that sentence shot a million things into his brain. it had to be today that shinnosuke used it.

"shut up. I was just wondering how you got up so early on a school day" kazama looked away as shinnosuke turned the camera to the front, his face a lot clearer and, closer now.

"your face said otherwise. and, of course, I got up early. I couldn't wait to see you in that school uniform" he winks making kazama regret his decision of looking at the phone again.

gosh, he and his flirting

he thinks before speaking, "you sound so perverted. what if hima-chan hears you?" he says, now getting off the bed. he needs to start getting ready too.

"what if she does? isn't she like, what, twelve or something? I'm sure she knows more than you do" he says and lightly shakes his head, as to throw the water off.

"sure, if she spends too much with you" kazama laughs, "alright, I have to get ready too. did you call for something?" he put the phone onto his table so that it still shows him while he can do his work.

"ah, I almost forgot. you always remind me, kazama-kun~" shinnosuke says as kazama grins, "but, can't I call you for no reason?"

that makes kazama stop and look into the phone," of course you can. I just asked so that if you did have something to talk about, you don't forget about it. which you did" he ends it with a smile.

"got it. I wanted to ask you, should I wear a half shirt inside the school shirt or should I just wear it?"

what? kazama thinks.

"why would you ask me about that?" he says collecting the books from his desk.

"just wanted to" he shrugs. that's such a shinnosuke thing to do.

"since you are most likely to feel 'trapped in the hands of the cruel school' i guess you should wear a shirt underneath so you can open the button to your liking" he says and gets near the phone, he was done packing his stuff.

"woah, you know too much about me, kazama-kun. I'm getting shy" shinnosuke acts like a high school girl blushing, while kazama rolls his eyes at the sight. the dream never leaving his brain for a damned second.

"is that all you wanted to ask?" he says, as shinnosuke nods in satisfaction. that one small thing mattered so much to him.

"alright then, I'm hanging up" kazama says as shinnosuke brings the phone even closer to his face, "see you in school, honey" with a wink that hit kazama harder than a rock could.

he quickly tapped on the end button and looked outside the window to calm down his fuming face. how does shinnosuke flirt with so much ease? he thinks, to which he knows the answer already.

"of course, because he doesn't mean it, duh" he says to himself and goes into the washroom to get ready for the day.

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