21.At Home

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Finally Zhan came back home. Yibo helped him to go upstairs in their room.

Zhan ge you take rest. I'm going to tell maid what to cook or not for you...


Zhan just nodded and put his head on headrest of couch. When Yibo left room Zhan stared ceiling while thinking about flashback what happened in the party. How Yibo cried when he saw that Zhan got shot. After thinking for a while he called Yubin....


Hello Yubin...get any information about shooter?

Not yet but soon...

Ok but when are you coming?

I don't think you need me anymore..
Yibo is there for you...☻️

This is different...and I'm thinking about sending him at his home for some rest and peace....in that time we can find about shooter...


And when you come back...buy a mobile....

For Yibo...

Yeah...ok now...

Zhan disconnected the call. Yibo came in room with some porridge.

Here...your porridge...

What??? Porridge...
I'm not gonna eat this...

You have to...

Yibo said firmly. Zhan looked Yibo but there was no escape so he agreed and Yibo feed him.



I was thinking that in these four days you worked too much and there was so tension n all so if you want you can go to your parents house for two or three days.
On new year you have to come for party. Because I've signed new movie so I'm giving party for some crew members.

But Zhan ge I don't think I have to go at home...you know your condition...

Ohh Don't worry about me mom is at home and maid is here so you can go in evening...if you want...

Ok then I'll go...

Zhan laid down on bed and Yibo went downstairs to inform Mrs.Jiang about Zhan's plan.
But other than Mrs.Jiang someone else was also listening that Yibo was going. Yeah of course Ziyi.
It was around 4 pm when Yubin came and knocked at Zhan's room door.

Come in...

Hii Zhan....how are you feeling now?

Much better...what about the thing I asked for?


Yubin gave him mobile. Zhan looked otherside where Yibo was packing some stuff.



Come here...

What is it.you need something?

Dd come here! no questions..

Ok......what is it...

Here take this..

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