music rooms or confessionals

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Authors note : I own none of these characters. This fits in the epi 13 timeline. My take on Ekim's confession.

"Will Orjinal be at the store during lunch ? I need to pop by and speak to him." Hazal said whilst wringing her hands , leaning against Ayse's locker , most definitely avoiding eye contact. Hazal , out of all people, wringing hands. Ekim smirked. She liked seeing Hazal happy and shy for a change

"Hmm, considering you spend more time with him than all of us combined, I think you'd know best." Ekim sing songed.

She saw the start off a blush form Hazal's face before her vision was obscured by a tall and broad chest jabbing between the two friends. She picked up his signature cologne , a mix of warm vanilla and leather, before she even looked up. He was breathing hard , and she refused to get distracted by the comfort she felt at his scent . Yeah , too late , she was already distracted. She hated his effect on her, especially after everything he did to her.

"Rude !" Hazal's voice broke her trance and she finally met his eyes. Bad idea. He was mad ... again... what was new ?

Eyes blazing and jaw set.

She hated this look on him. It made him seem so far away from her.

"I really don't understand you ." He said through clenched teeth.

And now he raised her hackles

Chin up , eyes hard , voice sweet.

" Only because you don't want to understand me. "

He let out a bitter little laugh and continued, " I can't even recognize you anymore."

With his jaw clenched, he left as quick as he came.

"Enough ." She muttered. She had enough of his moods.

"Ekim , let him go. " Hazal had her hand on her arm, trying to hold her back. But no . Enough. She was done dancing to his tune of misery.

"Kanat !"

He stopped but didn't turn. He was standing at the music room and he shoved the door open and disappeared in.

She followed.


He was standing at the window, back to her , watching their classmates in the garden when she shut the door.

Her heart squeezed. He was such a familiar sight but she just couldn't touch or reach him anymore. It was by her own hand but she still hated it. She would do what she did again , and she knew it would hurt the same each time. But at times she wasn't so sure. Would she really do it again?

She wasn't ever expecting him , she wasn't expecting them and now that she had a taste , she wondered if given another chance would she choose to be selfish and just keep him all to herself and forgot about her fight for justice. But then her conscious came dinging its bell and she knew something would always feel incomplete if that truth didn't come out.

So now she just enjoyed the sight of what she lost.

"What more do you want from me ? " He asked , this time the blazing anger was gone. His voice was subdued.

"More , Kanat ? I never wanted anything to start with." He finally turned to look at her and his face was broken, the look in his eye devastated and she had no idea how to fix it.

"Right . That's true, actually. Nothing. I just forced my way into life , insisting that you loved me. Tell me something, how many more masks do you have ?" His voice was changing again, his anger flooding back.

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