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My name is Emi kuran . Yes I am a kuran . I am currently sitting in my room . I am at my desk drawing a picture of a hybrid . I was drawing myself . I am a hybrid . I locked myself in my room since I was 5 years old . But from time to time I would sneek out to drink some water . I had the brains of an average 8 year old child . Normally it would be 5 years old , but due to me being a hybrid , I was born very smart . I am currently 8 years old . As you may no or not i have a very strong bloodlust but I could control it . I have locked away all my emotions and I am just emotionless . I was thinking about suicide when someone knocked on my door . " Come in " I said . Kaname came in smiling and said " Hello Emi how are you doing ? " " I'm fine just a little thirsty " " Here have some blood '' " No thank you lord kaname , I do not deserve your precious blood " . " Emi ....... why are you so formal with me , you are my sister , you can call me kaname and you can drink my blood " . " I said no kaname-sama I meant I do not deserve any and why did you come here ? I mean what would you like here ? " ." Emi stop it please , it hurts me to see and hear you call me formally " ." Well alright lord kaname , I will call you kaname , is that alright ? " " Yes it is much better ". " I came hear to tell you something " " And what is it ? " " I want you to come with me outside and play " " No kaname , I don"t want to leave my room , it is the only safest place I have from Lady kuran until she comes and hits me and tortures me for no reason " . " Well alright , I'll see you soon " " Alright goodbye kaname " and he closed the door . I think i will sneek out for a drink , i thought . so , I walked out of my room and ran quickly to the kitchen with my vampire speed . I drank my water and hid my presence and myself . I walked through the maids and butlers and no one recognised me . While I was passing the family room , I overheard juri-sama saying " Kaname I think that you should marry yuki " and kaname replied " I accept since she is my only sister " . Suddenly I felt something in me broke into pieces . It was my heart . I thought he said that I was his sister . This is why I locked away all my emotions . I raced to my room and locked the door . I picked my large baby blue duffle bag and packed my stuff . When i was done , I went back to my desk and continue to draw . As I had

finished my drawing I heard a knock on the door . So walked towards it and opened it . I bowed and said " What would you like lord kaname ? " " Why Emi why ?" " You do not need to call me Emi for I am just a servant , nothing more , nothing less " . I looked and saw kaname looking at me with sad yet angered crimson red eyes . " I know we talked about this but you still are formal with me " . " Excuse me lord kaname but i have something important to do ""Alright " . As i was about to close the door I said " I hope that you and yuki in the future will have a beautiful marrige " and i closed the door and locked . I picked up my book and put it in my duffle bag . I then placed the bag right in the closet . When I closed my closet door , my bedroom door was knocked down by juri . She then yelled at me " HOW DARE YOU UPSET MY SON YOU HIDEOUS , ARROGANT , STUPID , MENTALLY CHALLENGED FREAK !!!!! " . She then used her nails and scraped my face . She then grabbed my hair an threw me across the room over and over again . She then picked me up by my throat and strangled me . Her nails thrusted into my neck and blood poored out . Just as I thought i was going to die , I smiled . I began to laugh . For the first time in 5 years I smiled and laughing . Haruka rushed into the room and grabbed juri's hands . I feel to the ground gasping for air but i stopped smiling and laughing . Juri and Haruka left the room and i just sat on the ground . All my wounds were already healed . I grabbed a sheet of paper , an envolope and my pen and wrote a letter . It said

" Good night Lord Kuran , Lady Kuran , Lord Kaname and Lady Yuki , I wrote this letter to inform you that I have left the kuran manor . I am absalotely sick and tired of your horrible presence . Lord Kuran , I thank you for not torturing me and for just ignoring me which had no effect due to my emotions being lost . Lady Kuran , I am glad that I don't have to see you again for the rest of my horrible life though I will explain everything you did to me . You kicked , bit , scraped , tossed , punched , slapped , strangled , froze , burned , electricuted and caused blood flow from my whole entire body . Lord Kaname , you tried to help me to let my emotions go free but failed miserably . I will forever know you as Lord Kaname and that is final . Lady Yuki , I want to say that you are a brat who loved to torture me when kaname was not around . I could tell that you learned a thing or two from your mother . No wonder that you are both the same . By the way kaname , you probably want to know how I know about your marriage with yuki . I overheard juri . It's funny that you call me your sister yet you say you only have one and that is yuki . Don't bother looking for me because I know you wont anyways . I just want to say that I hate all of you and I hope all you bloody hethens burn in hell with the demons .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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