Chapter 54

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I woke up from a hour long nap, seeing symere on his phone.

"Hey baby boy, sleep well?" Symere asks looking up from his phone.
I mumble a quick yes and peck his neck.

"Do you feel alright?" He asks.

"Yeah you did not hurt me or anything" I smile.
Symere smiles back at me.

(Everybody is down stairs)

"I'm about to kick y/n out I swear to God" Ethan blurts out and nods his head back and fourth.

"Why?" JJ asks.

"Well I don't even know why we have not already" Ethan sits down and leans back.

Yea leave her on the streets. The streets can have her.

I slowly smirk to myself, trying not to laugh.

"What's funny JJ?" Tobi asks passive aggressively.

Oh shit oh nahh man don't give ME away.


"He's a fucking skitzo" y/n quietly answers Tobi's concerns.
I perk my head up really quickly and give her the evil eyes.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I say already getting pissed. I clench my jaw a bit as well.

"You fucking heard me you know it's true as well, no matter if you deny or not" Y/n shrugs her shoulders.

Everybody's face just went on me.



"What the actual fuck man" I clench my fist even harder.

"Oh did nobody know? That's a shame that you told your quote on quote wife that you were a schizophrenic before all your friends that knew you for over what, 3-5 years?" Spilling her words out.. Outing me the fuck out.

"Why the actual FUCK would you not tell us that JJ?" Simon sounds pissed the fuck off.

I feel my bawled fists go even tighter as I feel tears in the corners of my eyes.

"Poor them to be honest, had no clue about your severe mental illness, told me before them? No wonder you can't keep anybody around, you can't be loyal-"

"You have no room to talk when it comes to fucking loyal biatch!" I slammed my hand on the table and balled my fist again, choking on my tears.

"Oh but I can." She says giggling.

"I fucking hate y-you.. F-fuck you y/n!" I look down, about to bawl my eyes out. I turn around and make my way quickly upstairs.

I semi slam my door and  fall into my bed and just start bursting out into tears.

What do they think of me now?

I scream into my pillow and break  down. I feel so damm defeated.

I heard someone slowly open my door. I turn my body away from the door.

"JJ you need to talk-"
I heard y/n's voice.

"L-leave me alone.." I gulp some of my emotions back.

"Please JJ-" They tried to touch my back so I turned around and smacked whoever was in front of me.


"V-Vik i-im sorry.. I thought y-you were-"

Vik rubbed his cheek in pain. My eyes got more watery.

"Damm I'm sorry I guess she was not lying." Vik bitterly said.
I started to burst into tears even harder and I push myself in the corner a bit.

"JJ!" Vik shook me.

What the fuck man...
I can't believe anything anymore.

I shook my head and started breaking down the worst I could.
Vik wrapped his arms around me and assured me. Tobi was besides Vik and he started to rub my back.

"It's okay JJ...We would have wanted you to say something before though" Tobi says in a calm voice.

"I-i-im sorry!" I raised my voice a bit.
Vik pulls my head up so he can see my face.
"JJ your safe with us, we don't think your a phsyco and y/n is gone" Vik assured me again.

I sniffle and relax a bit in Viks embrace.
Tobi got up and gave my one last back rub and smiled softly before he left.

Vik almost got up but I grabbed his hand.
"P-please stay.." I whisper in a scared type tone. Vik looks down into my eyes and he sees the fear in my eyes. He sat back down and rubs my shoulder for a bit.

I hate when it gets like this..
"JJ I know I said this but your safe with us.." Vik reminds me again.

I wipe my eyes a little and look at Vik..
"I-i know.." I slowly spill out my words. I felt my eyelids getting heavy from all the crying I have done.

"Go to sleep JJ, you really need it right now" Vik notices my eyelids getting heavy.
I wanna ask to cuddle but I'm scared as fuck..

Do ittt


"Vik?" I ask still kind of crying.

"Hm?" He looks up at my eyes.
I look down and blush NOT FOR THAT REASON.

"Can we c-cuddle.." I shyly ask.
Vik looks at my and shrugs his shoulders.
Vik is leaning back but he is not flat on the bed.

"Yeah, come here" he opens his arms.
I went into his embrace and fell into his chest.
"Thank you.." I mumble. Vik looks down at me.

"For what?"

"Staying" I say straight up.
Vik rolls with eyes a bit and smiles.

"No need for a thank you." Vik put his head back, turning off his phone.

"Go to sleep JJ" He chuckles.
I smile and yawn. I felt my eyelids get heavier.

"Night Vik" I say.

"Night JJ" he response

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