-thirty one-

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Jungwon took a deep breath before entering the meeting room. Bang Sihyuk, more famously known as Bang PD, was already there, chatting with Jungwon's manager.

"Oh, Jungwon, you're here. Come sit." His manager gestured for him to come closer. Jungwon bowed and took a seat next to his manager.

"Are you scared of me?" Bang PD asked.

"Uh, no, just nervous thinking about what you're going to say."

"Well, I just want to ask you a few questions which you must truthfully answer, okay?"


"So firstly, let me just say that I have nothing against idols dating, and I also can't change your feelings anyway. I just want to ask you if you are very sure of your feelings, and that this isn't just a fling."

"Yes, I'm 100% sure of my feelings."

"Okay, next I want to just warn you that this won't be easy ahead for the both of you. You know how your fans are, right?"

"Yes, but I'm ready to face it, and I'll protect her." Bang PD nodded.

"Well, if anything comes up, you can always ask your manager to contact me. We'll offer as much help as we can."

"You mean like, if something that 2 teenagers can't handle comes up?"

"Yes. Let's say, ah, right, her face being revealed. This, we will take legal action for."


"Of course, her parents have to be the one who sue them, but we will offer our legal help as well."

"Okay, I'll talk to Jihye about it." Jungwon nodded.

"Right, next. As much as I support your relationship, I hope that this does not affect the quality of your work. I still want you to put in your 100% in whatever you do, and I want you to focus on being an idol when you have to."

"Don’t worry, Chairman Bang. I promise you that my relationship will not get in the way of my work. I still love dancing and singing very much." Bang PD nodded.

"Well in that case, continue to work hard and stay safe. If anything comes up, inform your manager immediately. He will inform me."

"Okay, thank you." Jungwon stood up and bowed before Bang PD took his leave. He sat back down and puffed up his cheeks, before taking his phone out to call his girlfriend.


"You're done?"


"What did he say?"

"He said he supports us but I still need to give my 100% for work."

"Well, that's pretty understandable."

"He told us that if we need his help, we can reach out to him too."

"What kind of help?"

"The legal kind." He heard her laugh.

"Okay, then do you want to come over now? Or do you have dance practice or whatever practice you need to get to?"

"I have dance prac to get to, and I have vocal lessons after that. Sorry babe, I'll try to come over later."

"No, you don't have to. We can just video call. Don't come if you're too tired."

"Okay, I'll decide later. What are you doing right now?"

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now