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??? "Do you honestly think that he'll come for you? If he really wanted to help you then he would've been here to save you by now."

YN was staring down Black Mask and Black Mask started laughing as he pulled out a pistol and shot YN in the leg he let out a scream in pain, but was instantly kicked in the face and stomped on by Black Mask and his Gang.

??? "If you would've just given me what I wanted, we wouldn't have to do this, but I guess you don't have much of a choice, but to hand it over."

YN was silent once again, but Black Mask forced one of his goons to pick YN up. As YN was picked up, they pulled him over to the edge of a building, and Black Mask once again asked YN.

Black Mask "Where is it? Where is the Chip?"

YN "Go to hell?"

YN then spit on Black Masks face and so he whipped the spit off his mask and shot YN in the chest and his goons tossed YN over the edge. As YN was falling, he couldn't hear a noise, everything was going blurry as he was finally on the brink of death, something grabbed him out of midair and he was then placed on the ground. He could see a dark figure over him and he knew that it was Batman.

YN "You finally made it, and here I was thinking that you were just going to leave me at the hands of Black Mask."

Batman "Relax YN you're going to be alright."

YN "N-no I'm not, I can feel my life slipping away. Don't stop fighting the good fight. Don't ever stop hehehe."

That was the last thing that he said, before his life was taken from him. Batman tried everything that he could, but it was pointless YN was dead in his arms. He had such a sad look on his face as everyone came running after when Commissioner Gordon came up to him and saw the lifeless body in his arms he was saddened.

Jim "YN. Why would they do this to you?"

???? " please tell me that this isnt real."

They both turn to see Barbara Gordon, Jim's daughter standing there with loads of tears welling up in her eyes. When she spots YN, she runs up to his body and holds it close crying her eyes out. YN's funeral was held a week later where they put his body 6 feet under finally allowing him to rest in peace. Well that's what you think, but there was something else planned for YN's body and soul? 

Now I need you guys to choose from these two as to who youd want the MC to be. If you choose Spawn I'll have a different take on what his original comic was such as No Violator, Now for the reason behind this is because I just was never a fan of the Violator in the comics or the TV series. If you choose Doom Slayer, I will try to have something special for him. if you have any ideas let me know in the comments.

 if you have any ideas let me know in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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