-thirty two-

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my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
so my friends told me that some sasaengs have found our sch

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
and they were shouting out death threats at me

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
they said that if i dont leave you they'd come for me

my boyfie🥰
what the fvck

i swear

im so sorry babe

i'll tell bang pdnim about this

do you have any footage?

my sweetheart❤️
yeah i do. alicia sent it


also why are you apologising?

it's not your fault

those sasaengs shld be more matured for their age, but they choose to act like 3-year-olds who didnt get their candy

my boyfie🥰
are you safe?

my sweetheart❤️
yes im parked at home, you dont have to worry

my boyfie🥰

shld i go over?

no wait, thats probably worst

who knows who's stalking me

the last thing i want is for your house location to be revealed

my sweetheart❤️
so we cant meet up for now? ☹️☹️

my boyfie🥰
i think its safer this way

sorry sweetheart☹️☹️

i'll make it up to you soon

i'll send you more hoodies and t-shirts if you want

my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰
you want to video call later?

my sweetheart❤️
at night?

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️

what are you doing right now?

my boyfie🥰
we're about to start a dance jam

my sweetheart❤️

imma tune in

my boyfie🥰
darling i can dance for you whenever you want me to

my sweetheart❤️
but i cant see you right now☹️☹️☹️

my boyfie🥰
alright then, enjoy the dance jam🤣

my sweetheart❤️
dont read any of the comments okay

my boyfie🥰
i shld be saying that to you

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now