¤Theres always a catch to something as trivial as a crush.
Theres always a trap when you fall through that hole called love.
Whether you fall for a stranger or a friend.
The pain seems as though it will never end.
Trust me I know, cause ive been struck by the babies bow.
I cant seem to stop staring at those chocolate brown eyes.
I cant bear it when he shines those pearly whites.
I can't help but want to hear each word spoken with his soft yet deep voice.
Even the words that hurt.
The words that curl around my heart like smoke.
The words that squeeze and stab at my subconscious.
The words of other girls.
Girls he loves, or loved.
All more beautiful then the last... then me
I listen and I laugh and I joke.
While internally
I cringe and I frown and I try to ignore.
All these words spoken
While his hand rests on my knee his arms around my waist our hands enclosed.....
Not even realizing how his slightest touch affects me. ¤