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it's time, kids
You thought this story would be just a bunch of random chronological shorts, but no
This is where the real story starts 😈

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

What a bore.
I sighed as I lazily walked to my first class of the day, feeling tired from last night.
Of course, you may be thinking: '{Y/n}, what happened last night??'
Well, it's not that interesting. I sadly didn't spend all night texting Josuke, rather...
I may or may not have accidentally spent all night reading those books in my room, the ones purposefully placed on high shelves...
Ahem. Anyways.

I was tired from the night before, but I still managed to get to 1st period, not surprised when most everyone was already there.
Including Josuke, of course.
I noticed the lack of Okuyasu as I walked over to my desk, smiling and waving at Josuke. He smiles back at me, which, for some reason, seemed a bit different from his normal smile.
Hm.. that's strange. Ah, whatever, it's probably nothing.

I sit at my desk, behind him, and he quickly turns around to talk.
"Yo, {Y/n}... wait, are you ok? You look tired."
I smile groggily, "I'm fine, I just stayed up a little late reading last night..."
He smiles, "What were you reading that had you so invested you couldn't sleep?"
I pause for a moment, before shrugging, "It's, uh. Nothing you'd be interested in."
"Aw, c'mon {Y/n}, now I'm curious."
"It's really not that interesting."
"If it's not that interesting, why'd you stay up reading it? At least tell me the name of the book. Pleeease?"
I frown, "No."

He pouts, "Fine, whatever. Anyways, I have a something to ask you."
"What is it?"
He started to look a little nervous, as he gulped "Do you maybe wanna... walk home with me?"
My eyes widen slightly at his proposal.
Walk home with him? Ah, crap. I want to, but I don't want my parents to see him. If they see me walking up to the house being all buddy buddy with Josuke, they'll totally know we're friends... and, knowing them, they'll probably accuse us of being more than friends. Which would be no bueno.
I clear my throat, "Ahem, uh, d-don't you usually walk home with Okuyasu?"
He nods, "Yeah, I do, but he texted me this morning saying he's sick from school today, so he won't be with us."
"Ah, I see..."

Maybe I should just tell him my parents don't like him? Wait, no, he probably wouldn't like me then.. uh.. whatever, I'll just say what I said the other day.
I blink, "Uh, I'd love to, it's just... you know, the thing I said about my parents not wanting me to hang around guys was true. They'd get pissed if they saw me with you."
He nods, "Yeah, I remember. Here, why don't we split up just before we get home? We'd be walking on opposite sides of the street, so they won't suspect a thing."
"Oh, that's.. not a bad idea. Sure, sounds good." I smile.
He smiles back, "Great! I'll meet you at the front of the school when school ends, then."

.•✧•★• Şຟēēt •★•✧•.

The night before, after you and Josuke had stopped texting, Josuke sat in his room, thinking.
Maybe I should ask Koichi for advice...
He opened his phone, opening the messenger app, typing up a message before deleting it.
He thinks for a moment, typing something else, but he groans, deleting that as well.
Maybe I'll just type it all in one message, just to get the point across?..


Hey Koichi, I kinda like this girl and I >
wanna confess but i dont know how.
Ur already in a relationship so I thought
i'd ask you

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