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Droplets of rain falling from the sky remind me of the tears I'm trying not to cry holding back every ounce of emotion that I feel inside.

I was happy for a while but after an amount of  time,happiness converted into a curse.

I blindly followed you into the dark.
You told me I could trust you.

so I played the part. I followed you blindly cause I was burning from the inside out I was confused.So I was naive and I trusted you.
Lead me into heaven then you took it away and everyday I see your face it makes my pain bloom.

So maybe I'm too easy to fool.or maybe you were the real fool
Cause now you have given  temporary happily ever after I learnt life isn't so kind lead me into water left me to drown inside and I begged for you to let me out but you declined.

So now I know not to trust anything anyone say cause it all a lie

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