chapter 1

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In the corner of my eye I saw Harry walking towards my locker. Hi Evie. He shouts smiling. Hi Harry so nice to see you. I say returning the gesture. So have any plans this weekend Evie. Harry says. Um.. Yeah I do. Im going out with Sebastian. His smile was gone and he just stood there his eyes showed he was indeed hurt. Ok so ill just hang out with friends . Its no big deal. He says averting his eyes away from me. What do you see in him that I dont have Evie . He mumbles. Harry its jus- . Harry stops me mid sentence. Just dont worry Evie its fine. Harry dont be like that. I call out to him as he walks away. Harry !!! I yell . But he keeps walking. Fine be like that. I mumble under my breath.


I have plans with Sebastian this weekend.

Her words kept playing in my head over and over again. Honestly I don't know what she sees in that kid. All the girls in school found some type of interest in me. But the one girl that I think is so smart and funny and beautiful doesn't even talk to me. A simple Hi is the best id ever get. But being friends with her was as good to me. It was the last period of the day and I knew Evie would be there but so would Sebastian. The bell rings and I rush to the bathroom. I had to go to the bathroom so bad. But thinking about Evie I didn't even realize it. I walk into my class and there against the wall was Evie. Having a whole make out session with Sebastian. I back out of the class room frustrated. Upset . I walk back into someone. Cindy. Hey Harry . She shrieks. I hated her voice it was loud and annoying. What the heck do you want. I say turning around to see her. You. She says smirking. You know that'll never happen. I scream running away from her. I step outside the school building and breathe. I hated this . I loved her first and I should have taken my chance. I decided to skip the last period. And walk home.
My mom and dad were fighting
The ussual. But mom was crying grippig her cheek on the floor. I run inside without thinking twice and punch my dad . He flies back into the counter and I help my mum off the ground and hold her tight. What the heck are you doing . I scream. I should be asking you the same question you jerk. My dad replies. How long has this beeb going on I whisper to my mum. To many years to count. She replies. I was always a mama's boy and this is why im here. I take my dad by his collar and punch him nonstop. Harold stop your hurting him. I hear my mum say through sobs . Thats my intentions . I reply. Dont. You. Ever. Touch. Her. Again. I say in between punches. Harry move. Im pushed to the ground by gemma. Hazz why are punching dad . She says. He been doing it to mum why cant I do it to him I say. What. She says looking over at dad.


I knew Harry didnt like what he saw but I was worried if he was going to say something to somebody. I felt embarrassed and Sebastian didn't seem to care. Dont worry about him. Sebastian says. I pull away from him and go to my desk. I heard cindy and laughed a bit. I knew how much Harry hated her. But I always found it funny after school I was going to go to Harry's to talk to him . I arrive at his house and he was walking out with luggage in his hands . Harry? Whats going on . I asked concerned. In coming to stay with you for a while. W wait what why. That you dont need to know. But your mom offerd. Oh okay . I simply reply. Wait why are you here Evie. I um -that you dont need to know. I say mocking him . Whatever lets go. Okay. I walk inside andy mom greets Harry with a hug. Hi kiddos. She says(why dose she always say that). Okay I have good news and bad news. Bad news Harry you'll have to sleep in Evie's room good news It might be fun. What!!!!!

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