-thirty three-

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"Hello, everyone." Jungwon greeted everyone in the Vlive before running his fingers through his hair.

"Hi~" Sunoo smiled sweetly and waved at the camera. Heeseung was fiddling the iPad.

"So today I'm not going to stay for long. I'm just here to say a few things. We'll wait for a few more minutes before I start." Jungwon said and took his phone out to use. A smile grew on his face, and comments soon flooded the screen of the iPad.

"Jungwon-ah, the comments are going wild just seeing you smile at your phone. They're asking why you're smiling like that." Heeseung chuckled slightly.

"Who else can make me smile like that?" Jungwon shrugged and returned to texting his girlfriend, the same sweet smile stuck on his face.

"Jungwon is lovestruck." Sunoo stated.

"Agreed." Heeseung nodded and handed the iPad over to Sunoo.

"I can't deny that." Jungwon said, eyes still glued to the phone screen.

"Do you want to start now? There's about 400 thousand viewers already. 450 thousand and climbing."

"Okay, gimme a sec..." Jungwon typed his goodbyes before putting his phone away. "Okay, I'll start now." He looked to his team mates, who gave him a nod, and then he turned to face the camera again.

"First thing, I want to say that I'm very disappointed in you Engenes. I don't know how you guys were raised and how you ended up like this, but don't you think sending death threats to a girl that I like is highly immature? To those Engenes who have remained supportive, I thank you sincerely. To those who have other things to say about this matter, please grow up. I'm your idol, nothing more than that. I know I say 'I love you' to you guys, but that kind of love is not that same kind of love that I feel for my girlfriend. So please don't keep saying you feel betrayed or whatever, because that is honestly just really cringe."

"Next up, to those sasaengs who have been sending death threats to a 16 year old, those who have stood outside her school and started shouting for her to break up with me or else she'd face their wrath, I hope you know that you are disgusting human beings that I hope I will never ever ever interact with, let alone see in real life. I hope you understand that this is just going to make me hate every single bone and muscle in your body. I love my girlfriend a lot. You hurt her, you're essentially hurting me. If she dies, I'll actually go die with her and I'm not joking." Jungwon's phone started buzzing but he ignored the notifications.

"If you think putting me through heartbreak or grief will make me become your perfect idol, then you're sick in the mind. Anything happens to her, I'm leaving this industry immediately. I will not compromise her safety for this." Jungwon took a deep breath. "I know I might lose a lot of fans here, but honestly, I don't need such immature fans, so you guys can gladly unstan me." Jungwon picked up his phone and scrolled through some notifications.

"Well, the last thing I want to say is that I'm going off the radar. Twitter, Weverse, Vlive: I've logged out of these platforms. I'm going to focus on my debut now as well as keep my girlfriend safe. You guys probably won't hear anything from me until the debut teasers drop. I'm sorry to the fans who have remained supportive, but I need a break. Thank you, and I shall leave now." Jungwon nodded his head slightly before he left the Vlive to Heeseung and Sunoo.

"You've pissed him off~" Sunoo sang before the duo diverted the topic to something else.

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my sweetheart❤️

u cant say that


|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now