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Tommy stood tall on top of the building's rubbles.

His chard black fingers curled around a fiery spear.

"THE ERA OF HEROES AND VILLAINS ARE GONNA END HERE, WITH ME AS THE CATALYST!!", Tommy announced, plunging his spear into the ground and making a deathly sharp metal sound.

Dream cupping his ears, looked up towards Tommy.

The child sunset like cape with mass amounts of potions underneath it, the green hat that hides the dirty blonde hair that looks like he hadn't showered in days and the fiery spear that looks to be made of flames. It made the child  that was shrouded in shadows, glowed, like the sun God, Apollo.

"DAMN", Dream cursed, hurling a green flame ball at Tommy.

Tommy, unfazed, swipe his hand at it and it disappeared.

Dream looked up in awe, his flames that were said to disintegrate anything that came into contact with, had no affect on Tommy.

"Are you an idiot? You look a Phoenix and you thought, I'm gonna burn it?", Tommy mocked, a smirk form on his face.

"Shit", Dream cursed, he whip is head back towards his team, "EVACUATE EVERYONE FROM HERE AND RUN FOR IT", Dream ordered.

His teammates quickly ushered the civilian away from the area.

"Not so fast", Tommy jumped down.

Dream turn back and tried to detain Tommy using psychokinesis, but Tommy disappeared from his sight immediately after landing.

"Stay here for a while"

Dream turn towards the voice but was knocked out by a Blunt object.

Tommy Glace at the hero for a moment before turning towards the escaping heroes and Civilians.

In a flash of fire, Tommy quickly took down the escaping heroes with little scratches.

"I don't really care if you run or not, but leave the heroes, they'll do no good for this society", Tommy proclaim infront of the stunt crowd.

He picked up 2 of the heroes, who were still semi conscious, "you should've picked someone else to be your teammates", he mumbled.

He made his way towards Dream, throwing his two teammates on the ground beside him.

The two gave out a grunt, "shit", Sapnap exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Damn it, sapnap, what should we do now", George mumbled, scrambling towards his feet.

"What do you think", Sapnap took out his sword, a red flame surrounds it.

He points the sword towards Tommy, "We fight", Sapnap snarled.

George nodded, taking our his retractable metal pole, he clutched it tightly.

Tommy smirked, he pointed his spear towards the two, "2 v 1? That's a bit unfair".

Tommy quickly lunged at George, swiftly moving between the blows.

He quickly raised his spear to block sapnap, with a strong force, Tommy pushed sapnap away and just in time, he also grabbed George's pole.

"I like this little toy of yours", He said, pulling the weapon away and hitting George with it.

Sapnap got to his feet and lunged at Tommy, only to be met with George's weapon in his face.

With both of the heroes down, Tommy threw the pole away.

"Not so mighty after all huh? Flames and vision", Tommy slowly made his way towards the two.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this", Tommy grinned.

"I've suffered so much because of you three".

Sapnap got to feet, his hands shaking as be pointed the weapon at Tommy.

"I just wanted to live but-".

George took up a fighting stance.

"You guys just want me to suffer and starve-", Tommy dropped his smile, his eyes turned cold and desperate.

Dream slowly woke up, grunting and huffing.

"My guys killed them, They FOLLOWED YOUR STUPID IDEAL AND ENDED UP STARVING TO DEATH", Tommy raised his voice, his cape starts to catch on fire.

George saw the now awoken dream and stepped infront to block Tommy's view.

"I tried to follow too, but I just couldn't-", Tommy's eyes began to tear up.

Dream used his psychokinesis and lifted a sharp pole.

"I couldn't because.......", Tommy lifted his head.

George stepped away to give space.

"I didn't want to die- uak!".

Tommy felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, he looked down.

There was a pole, in a place that should've had nothing.

"You tried to live we know, but you should've just told us that as a civilian-", Dream said, making his way towards Tommy.

Tommy glared at Dream, "I tried, but you didn't listen-".

"If you tried again, we would've listen", Dream said, but Tommy wasn't having it.

"So you need someone to tell you twice, ugk", Tommy dropped his knees, the pain was unbearable.

Dream fell silence for a moment, "cat got your tongue?", Tommy mocked, coughing blood as he starts to feel dizzy.

"That's not-"

"You know I'm right, so you couldn't say anything", Tommy spat out blood.

"In 3 days, a broadcast will appear-", Tommy began to cough vigorously.

"What broadcast", Sapnap chimed in.

Tommy glared at the fire hero, "the truth", Tommy smiled.

Tommy could feel his soul slip away, his eyes are started to darken, he's starting to loose his eyesight, and his ability to move.

"Unfortunately", Tommy spat out more blood, "seems like I'm gonna die", he said, "no matter how hard you say anything.............I can't.......", Tommy slowly closed his eyes, "...............hear...  ".

With that Tommy's life came to an end.

Dream turn his head away, closing his eyes, he wasn't able to bare the fact that a child just died infront of him.

But now that he has this information about people dying because of him, He turn his head towards George.

"George, could you look into Tommy's memories? I want to confirm something", he ordered.

"Alright, but you might be disappointed in the end, are you sure?", George asked.

There was a moment of silence , ".....yes..".

George nodded, he made his way towards Tommy.

George touched Tommy's head and he began to use his ability to prob Tommy's mind.


This is just the beginning of the story.

This story is just a flash back, :)

Word count: 1010

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