Elysium III

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Due to the wars far beyond the coastlines of Elysium, the Empire has realized it needed reforms especially within the Military. Of course the Old Units would stay however, modernization was greatly needed. The following are the new military units of the Elysium Empire following the Aurelian Reforms.

 The following are the new military units of the Elysium Empire following the Aurelian Reforms

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Elysian Arquebusier

This unit would go on to replace the Archers of the Empire. Equipped with an Arquebus a type of hook gun, they are not useful in combat from far away, but they are still effective when used in defensive formations with Pikemen.

 Equipped with an Arquebus a type of hook gun, they are not useful in combat from far away, but they are still effective when used in defensive formations with Pikemen

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The pikeman is a staple of the late Medieval army, and the arms of militia mirror those of professional soldiers. Pike armed militia with a modest amount of training can hold a defensive position very well, though they need good support. Initially lacking armor and thus vulnerable to shooting, this unit can be upgraded to be much better protected.

 Initially lacking armor and thus vulnerable to shooting, this unit can be upgraded to be much better protected

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Serpentine Cannon

The serpentine is so named, because its long slender barrel resembles a snake. This piece is designed for attacking enemy troops, rather than walls. Its long thin barrel gives it good range and accuracy, and its small calibre ammunition makes it quicker to reload than heavier pieces.

 Its long thin barrel gives it good range and accuracy, and its small calibre ammunition makes it quicker to reload than heavier pieces

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Resembling the iron bowl from which it gains its name, the Mortar was created to lob shots over intervening walls. Useful in dealing with units skulking behind walls for protection, or to whittle away besieging troops outside your own walls. The mortar's capabilities makes it an excellent siege weapon for both attacker and defender.

 The mortar's capabilities makes it an excellent siege weapon for both attacker and defender

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The archetypical cannon was used all across the world by the mid to late 15th century. Mounted on a large wheeled chassis and featuring a longer improved barrel, the cannon is far superior to the bombards that preceded it. Able to demolish enemy walls from a greater range and able to fire troop-killing explosive shells, the cannon is rightly feared.

 Able to demolish enemy walls from a greater range and able to fire troop-killing explosive shells, the cannon is rightly feared

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The first primitive gunpowder siege artillery, bombards were created in China and Western Europe in the early 14th century and spread to the rest of the world by the late 14th century. They are forged from bronze or iron, and designed to fire stone balls that crumble enemy defences. They also shoot inaccurate flaming balls wrapped in pitch-soaked rags, that can incinerate enemy troops!

 They also shoot inaccurate flaming balls wrapped in pitch-soaked rags, that can incinerate enemy troops!

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Grand Bombard

The Grand Bombard was created as an improvement to the bombard in the early 15th century. Made to be harder-hitting and with longer range than its predecessor, this iron-forged piece of siege artillery is able to inflict punishing damage on enemy defences. Like its predecessor, it too can deliver flaming chastisement to enemy troops.

 Like its predecessor, it too can deliver flaming chastisement to enemy troops

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1: Heavy Pikemen

2: Naval Arquebusiers/Classiarii

3: Grenadier

4: Sclopetarii/Musketeers

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