Goodbye My Love

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"You have been staring at that scroll for hours" Willow practically purred. She leaned against the door frame, dressed in a light blue dress instead of one of her black mourning gowns. Her bat ears were back slightly, indicating concern, but the dark pink on her scaly tail and neck said otherwise. When Nyx's only response was her tail turning teal with annoyance, Willow sighed.

"Come on dear, it's been days since she went missing, and they are never found after a week, you know this, she has been declared dead" Willow's cold hands rested on Nyx's shoulders as she came up behind her. Her palms had a few scales from her arms that crept up onto her hands. They felt scratchy through Nyx's undershirt. Willow's once gentle grip felt more like a threat

"She was our daughter, how are you not grieving?!" Nyx accused, almost hissing in anger as she turned her head to look at Willow, her ears going back.

Willow's scales turned a mix of dark teal and red for a moment before she calmed them to a gentle blue.

"Dear, I have grieved, you need to stop holding on" Willow's grip on Nyx's shoulders tightened, and the edge in her voice was anything but comforting.

"It's been nine days!" Nyx yelled, standing up. Her tail and scales were red and her scales climbed up her neck. She was noticeably taller than Willow, and much more intimidating as her nails turned into claws, with her scales overtaking her hands and creeping up her cheeks. Her lack of ruffles and skirts make her look more intimidating than her frilly partner. Nyx still wore all black, a thin undershirt with a corset overtop, with simple black trousers . "You're acting as if it's been months or years!"

"What have we said about your anger issues dear" Willow said in an annoyingly calm voice, running a finger along the scales on Nyx's face. Willow had always been what people said 'the calm one in the relationship', but sometimes it was too much. Nyx dared to even think that Willow hadn't cared about their daughter, it was her fault that she had gone missing.

Nine days ago, Willow, Nyx, and their five year old daughter, Asha, had gone to a ceremony for the newborn royal. Willow had taken Asha to use the bathroom, and had come back, without Asha, panicking. Every attempt to find her, by the officials and by family had been unsuccessful. Willow had been clearly upset for about two days before she just looked bored. Whenever she found Nyx upset, she would look almost annoyed before she began to fake worry. Nyx wondered if Willow truly thought she had tricked Nyx into thinking she cared. It wasn't like Asha was a teen and could figure out how to survive on her own, she barely knew her mothers' names.

Nyx allowed herself to calm down, taking a deep breath as she reverted back to normal. Willow pulled her hand away before pushing past to look at the scroll on Nyx's desk. She was lucky that she had set the declaration of Asha's death over top of the scroll she had been reading. Otherwise Willow would know about her investigations with the fortune teller of their tribe. Nyx watched Willow glance at the scroll before grabbing a book on the corner of the desk and turning to leave.

"Try to get to bed soon darling" Willow purred as she left with the book. A few moments passed before Nyx heard Willow clap to turn on the lights in their bedroom.

She grabbed the declaration scroll along with the letter from the fortune teller, wrapping them and stuffing them in an old jacket hung on the edge of the shelf, something Willow never touched. She stalked into the bedroom, glancing at Willow, who was curled up in bed with the book she had grabbed. She didn't acknowledge Nyx as she went into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and changing into her pajamas, she crawled into bed, facing away from Willow, who clapped to turn off the light and flicked on the lamp on her bedside table. After a while of silence, Willow spoke.

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