1. Intro

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"Ava, I love you! There's no one like you. You're amazing, beautiful, and I just love it."
Wait a second.....did you guys hear that? I'm pretty sure every girl has been through it. When we hear those words, we have to get away from that person as quickly as possible. Those words are from the boys known as "fuck-boys." Those are lies, I've heard it plenty of times. I've been hurt, because I let my guards down. NEVER BELIEVE THEM, I REPEAT NEVER BELIEVE THEM!
Anyways, I'm Ava Morgan Brown. I'm a sophomore in high school, and I've learned a lot so far. I had a boyfriend who cheated on me during a back to school bash. He said sorry, and I forgave him because I don't hold grudges. When you hold grudges you're not only hurting that person, you're also hurting yourself. So yeah, I forgave him and he tried to ask me back out. He told me he loved me and there's no one like me. I will never believe his words ever again. We've been dating for 5 months and he betrays me like that. I'm so hurt, nothing can heal my internal wounds, at least I don't think so.
At the beginning of freshman year, it was tragic. I had a whole group of friends. Most of them were fake, so I had to part myself from them quickly. Then I finally met someone who is exactly like me Kamia Mitchell. We both think alike, and act alike. So she was my new best friend for the whole year. But then she betrayed me, which hurt so bad. She's the one my boyfriend cheated on me with. All the trust I had for them was strong, and they just destroyed everything we had together. Those were my only two best friends, now I have none. Except for my actual friend I've been with for 8 years, we go to different schools so I see her at least twice a month. It sucks.
I have four little brothers, two little sisters, and one big brother and sister. They're all sweet and annoying, but I get along with them often. My mom is divorced and she is a single mom doing her own shit! She is a drug addict and it brings my siblings close to each other. Our father is in jail for raping my older sister, my mother hates him. We all hate him, how more disgusting can he be. My father is African-American and my mother is Italian. Yes we're all mixed children.
My big brother, Khamill, is 23 with 2 kids. He's the one who watches over all of us and takes care of us when mom is high or tipsy. My big sister, Avery, is 19 and has a baby on the way. My little brothers, a set of triplets, Khari, Khody, and Khylon are 10 years old now. I have another little brother 15, one year younger than me, Khamari. And a set of twins, girls, Avona and Aviana. My parents wanted us to have similar names since my mom's name is Ave, and my father's name is Khaylon. Weird right? Everyone thinks it's so cool, but really it gets confusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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