-thirty four-

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"Jungwon, did you see what's happening on Twitter and Weverse?"

"I can't hyung. I logged out remember?"

"Oh right. It's chaos down here. The main account is getting tagged every second. They're asking if you're really not going to upload anything until our debut."

"Yeah I'm not."

"Maybe we should all log out of the account."

"Just mute the notifications. I don't want anyone to say that we don't care about our fans, especially you guys."

"Okay we'll mute the notifications. But you sure this will make those sasaengs back down? If anything, I feel that they will retaliate more."

"I have no idea. I'll see what happens first."

"Okay. You heading over to the building now?"

"Yeah, I just dropped Jihye off at her home."

"You made sure you weren't followed, right?"

"Yes, but I'm honestly still very worried. I had this weird feeling that we were being followed but we never saw anything out of the ordinary. No car that happened to be around us all the time."

"Hm, well be on guard then."

"Yeah, I told her that."

"Right, okay, see you later. I need to get back to practice."

"Okay, bye."

Jungwon kept his phone away in his pocket before he sunk into his seat. He let out a sigh as all the worries started filling his head. Jihye, the group, being a leader, the fans' reaction. He just couldn't help but think about what could go wrong.

Should I just give this up? I should have never gone on I-Land... But if I never went on I-Land, would I still have met Jihye? Maybe, maybe not... Whatever, I can't turn back time... This sucks.

Jungwon closed his eyes to hopefully get some rest, but his mind was still swimming with thoughts. And it was as if Jihye could read minds, because Jungwon found himself texting his girlfriend within the next minute.

my sweetheart❤️
wonnie, u okay?

my boyfie🥰
r u psychic or smth?

my sweetheart❤️
i just had a feeling

so, u okay?

my boyfie🥰
im worried

my sweetheart❤️
about what?

my boyfie🥰

your safety, the group's image, the fans, what the company would do, my members suffering because of this


some leader i am

my sweetheart❤️
hey, dont say that

this doesnt define your capabilities as a leader

my boyfie🥰
but im literally dragging the image of the group down

my sweetheart❤️
by what? dating?

this is just some stupid kpop norm, that should not be a norm in the first place

my boyfie🥰
yeah but we're a rookie grp tho

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now