-thirty five-

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"So, to the Hybe building we go."

The next day after the package incident, Jihye found herself and Haera heading towards the Hybe building. Jungwon had left Jihye's house at the crack of dawn for a meeting.

"What do you think the company will say?" Haera asked.

"I don't know."

"Do you think there'll be a lot of people outside the building?"

"Most likely."

"Yeah I think so- Holy shit that's a mob. Mr Park, stop the car please." Haera quickly asked her driver to pull over at a distance away from the Hybe building. Right at the entrance, there was a crowd of fans and reporters waiting. Waiting for who, Jihye wasn't sure, and she wasn't ready to find out.

"So what do we do?" Haera asked.

"Uh, we could sneak in through the back, but there's probably people at the back too."

"This is bad. Really bad."

"I'll call Jungwon." Jihye took her phone out of her bag and quickly dialed Jungwon's number in.

"Wow you memorised his phone number."

"Dude, I have a photographic memory."

"Oh, right."


"Jungwon-ah, there's a lot of people outside the building."

"Yeah, I saw."

"What do we do?"

"Drive into the carpark. The entrance is at the east side. Roll down the window and let me talk to the security guard if he stops you guys."

"Okay. Mr Park, you can drive to the carpark now. Thank you." And Haera's driver started the car once again.

"Just park at the same level when you enter the carpark. I'll be at the lobby waiting."


Minutes later, Jihye was greeted with a tight hug. Jungwon patted her back gently, relieved to see her unharmed.

"Let's go." He locked hands with her and they - plus Haera - stepped into the elevator. A comfortable silence settled between them as the lift continued going up. Jihye looked at their linked hands and smiled.

"We should get pasta. I feel like having pasta for- oh? Hi, Jungwon-ie." The elevator stopped at a floor, opening to reveal TXT's Taehyun and Huening Kai waiting and discussing lunch plans.

"Hi hyung." The duo stepped in and Haera squeezed herself next to Jihye, nudging her.

"Your girlfriend?" Taehyun asked. Jungwon nodded. Taehyun then turned to stare at Haera. She caught his eyes on her and stared back.

"What happened that you have to bring her here?" Huening Kai asked.

"A bloody voodoo doll was sent to her."

".... That's extreme." Kai frowned.

"Yeah. We're going to discuss some security stuff."

"Mhm." Kai patted Jungwon's shoulder. He then turned to see his friend staring at a girl. "Oh, who's this?"

Haera broke the eye contact with Taehyun and bowed. "Hi, I'm Haera, Jihye's best friend."

"Hello." Taehyun finally spoke. Kai mentally facepalmed at his awkwardness.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now