22.Go away...

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As Zhan was coming downstairs he saw Ziyi in halfway. She was going upstairs but seeing Zhan coming she stopped midway.
Zhan who was engrossed in his thoughts about Yibo looked Ziyi.
He was shocked because Ziyi was wearing a revealing dress.👗
Zhan felt uncomfortable he showed no interest to Ziyi and slowly went toward kitchen.
He picked water to drink but someone held him from behind caught him off guard. Water glass slipped out from his hand and broke down. His body was stiff.

Zhan baby! Finally we are alone...we can spend time together...

Ziyi said to Zhan and Zhan came out of daze as he was shocked so he pushed Ziyi.

Look Ziyi...stop messing with me you know very well that I'm married and you have Cheng so go to him and stop bothering me...

Saying that to Ziyi, Zhan picked water bottle and started to walk toward stairs when Ziyi again stopped him and started moving as a song played...
She was dancing weirdly around Zhan. He was trying to go but was unable because of Ziyi's dance.
That's it when Zhan got irritated he pushed Ziyi with his left hand and went upstairs.

He was angry because of Ziyi's behaviour. He sighed as poured water for himself. He was about to drink when heard his room door opened he was already irritated by Ziyi's behaviour so he just threw water toward door...

I said just Go Away!!! Can't you understand simple words...

He turned to door but was shocked 😲


Zhan ge!!! I know you wanted to be alone that's why you send me at home

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Zhan ge!!! I know you wanted to be alone that's why you send me at home....
But why you threw water on my face 😒

Ohh dd it was not meant for you....I thought....

Zhan stopped his sentence because he didn't want to mention Ziyi infront Yibo...

By the way dd you were at your home what are you doing here...??

Actually I thought mom is not at home and you didn't took your medicines so I came back but...

How you came??

By taxi..

Ohh ok

Yibo without saying further went to washroom.
Zhan was feeling something in his heart but being a dumbo didn't understand what...
Good Xiao Zhan you're too lucky look he came here for you...keep going 😈
He thought in his mind when he was in his thoughts Yibo came out and was giving medicines to Zhan.

Here! Your medicines...


Zhan did what Yibo said and laid down on bed as his hand was hurt and Yibo went to couch.

Dd why you came...

I told you already....

So you care for me...

No wayyy! Nothing like that...it's just I think it happened because of me cause I was the one who wanted to celebrate and you got hurt in that party...

Yibo said with a pout...he was feeling guilty. But hearing this reply Zhan felt disappointed so he closed his eyes.
Yibo looked at Zhan for a reply but seeing Zhan's closed eyes he thought he fell asleep so didn't ask anything and slept.

Downstairs in a room someone (you know) was cursing Yibo nonstop for coming back and ruiningher plan.
Zhan opened his eyes and looked at time it was already 8 am.
He looked around more like searched around for someone.
But for his disappointment that someone was already gone at his home back early morning so when he called him.


Hello dd!

Zhan ge ? Good morning...what happened why you called me ?

Where are you ? Come in my room I need to get change...

Ohh sorry ge but I can't...

What? Why?

I came back at my parents home...

Oh okk

After saying that he disconnected the call and called Yubin.

After 20 minutes Yubin came at Zhan's place he went in his room to help Zhan.

Yubin!! How's going party arrangements...

Everything is perfect...

Good and what about shooter...

Not yet...


At home Yibo was helping his mother in doing home chores. He went to his father's room and was arranging room when saw there was a weird box 📦 on wardrobe.
He was about to pick that when his father came.


Yes appa...

Your mom is calling you...


As soon as Yibo left the room his father picked the box and opened it.

On the other side Mr.Jiang and Cheng were worried that if the goon whom they gave money didn't shot Zhan then who else 🤔

Dad! What you think? Who can try to kill Zhan...

Oh my dear A-Cheng with the attitude Zhan has anyone can be his enemy...

Really? But I don't think he is that bad...

Don't think about him...think about your career you are almost out of league and he is at top so do your work...

Yes dad...

With that Cheng went to company and Mr Jiang went to his office.


Thanks for reading 😊
Sorry for late update 😬

Hate in Heart ❤️‍🔥 YIZHAN Where stories live. Discover now