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I am envious.

I don't want to be envious. I am not the type to easily envy someone. No matter how beautiful they look, I always think that I am pretty myself. No matter how rich they were, I can earn a lot of money myself. No matter how they look sexy, I am sexy myself.

But now... I am envious of someone's relationship.

Why does it seem so easy for Jennie Unnie and Kai to hold hand? To be together in front of everyone? Why...? Why didn't Sehun and I do those things before?

"Are you alright, Lisa?" Jennie Unnie asked.

I was busy cleaning the dishes when she entered the kitchen. She looks blooming. Her cheeks were red and I bet she just got home from a date with her boyfriend.

I forced a smile. "Yes, why do you ask Unnie?"

She went to me and I watched her as she gave me a back hug. I stiffened and almost let the plate fall from my hold.

"You don't seem as energetic as before... and you're spacing out while washing the dishes." She whispered as I felt her cheek on my back. "I'm worried.. because we're all busy about our trainings, music, commercials and a lot more from our career that we forgot to check up on each other.."

I felt her heave a deep breath.

"Are you.. okay, Unnie?" I asked her.

"I am." She answered. "I am okay. I am happy. How about you?"

Why the sudden heart to heart talk? I want to ask and laugh to escape her but the atmosphere seems very serious.

It took me awhile to answer back, "don't I look okay?" 

Then I cursed inside my head for my answer. I should've just said that I am okay. I am okay. That's what I want to believe and that's what I want others to believe. Because if I'm not.. then why wouldn't I be?

"Why aren't you okay? Is there a problem?" The question that I wanted to avoid was asked by Jennie Unnie.

I shrugged my shoulder and laugh my tension. "I am! Why wouldn't I be? You're so serious Unnie!"

Jennie Unnie stared at me and I sweat dropped. She then went to my side to wash some of the plates, helping me. There was silence in between us for a while but then, I spoke.

"So how was your date?" I asked.

"It's fun. I kind of enjoy Kai's company. He is sweet. I want to enjoy it while it lasted." She answered with a small smile on her face and a faint blush on her cheek.

My brows slightly furrowed. While it lasted?

"Kai is my first boyfriend." She stated.

"Hmm. You are too busy in training and career that you don't have time for a relationship. Now you have one." I said.

"You're also busy you know!" She stated. "I bet you haven't been able to hold a boy's hand all this years let alone have a relationship!"


"Seriously, Lisa.. I wonder if there's someone out there who could make your heart flutter. I'll definitely congratulate him!"

I rolled my eyes at her. "You're the only one dating in our group you know. You're speaking as if I am the only one in our group who doesn't have a love life!" I pouted.

"Rosé has an undying love for Chanyeol and Jisoo Unnie's dating--"

I gasped. Jennie Unnie immediately bit her lower lip as her eye widened when we made eye contact.

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