Chapter one

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(Picture of rose)
"Love fades mine has " said dimitri, as rose slowly took in those words she felt sick " I need to get out of this blasted church " she thought . She ran ,she ran so fast she didn't know where she was going . Rose ended up in the woods she stopped and asked her self out loud "when the hell did I get into the woods ?!". She was breathing heavily.

Those godsdamed words haunted her "love fades mine has" . Her legs were aching from running so fast she sat down and leaned against a tree . She sat there for the next next hours that felt like days .

She pondered what she would do .
After a matter of time she decided that she would leave the academy."nobody else would miss me I mean Lissa practically said that she hated me and dimitri did to . " she thought.
"Gods I'm so stupid for having the nerve to open up I should have stayed an outcast ,an outcast who reads 24/7 and is addicted to TV" she thought.
Those out cast were known as fangirls or fan boys . She knows because she seacrately is one .

A/N ; hey guys give me feed back sorry for the short first chapter , I will try to update as much as possible...,,
Are you a fanboy or fangirl ???
What are some of your fandoms ???

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