Claret Town

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Holly signed dismally, looking with a heavy heart at the stern letter of rejection from the pokemon academy that had arrived in the mail that morning. She had heard the other students in her class bustling around outside her window, each being given their first pokemon. The A-ranked students were first, taking pokemon such as Bulbasaur and Charmander, followed by the B ranks, being awarded pokemon such as jigglypuff and ekans. They were followed with slightly less enthusiasm by the C students, who were given pokemon such as caterpie and pidgey. Of course, Holly had failed all ranks. She hadn't even scored well enough on her final exam to earn a D rank, which would consist of a trainer card and a pokemon such as zubat or rattata. How did I do so poorly? She wondered, as her mother came to her side and gently pulled the letter from her hands. Her mother never thought much about her desire to be a trainer, and she often told Holly that she thought she'd have a better life here in Claret town. Holly supposed that her failing result proved her point, but she was no less sympathetic as she sat down across from her.

"Holly, sweetie, it's going to be ok."

Holly sniffled, and wiped her eyes, "I know. You were right mom. I'm never going to be a trainer."

Her mother sighed, " I hope you don't think I wanted you to fail Holly."

"No-I-It's just, you know me"

"Oh, Honey. You know, you could go talk to the academy headmistress? She's very understanding, she may let you restudy and take the exam again?"

"Oh...I don't know if I should bother Headmistress Reseda."

"Holly, this means the world to you, doesn't it? Reseda is a good person, and she really cares about her students. I'm sure she would give you enough time to make your case."

Holly sniffed again then stood up. She ran forward, wrapping her mother in a hug, squeezing her tightly before rushing out the door, her face beaming with sudden hope. She rushed up the stairs to the huge doors of the academy, pushing them open and bursting into the now vacant halls. Her soft wool satchel banged against her hip as she passed her classroom. The door stood ajar, and she caught a glimpse of her own desk, still loaded up with her school supplies. She continued on to the headmistress's office. She banged on her door, but there was no response from inside. Upon further inspection, there was a small notice attached to the door. It read, in small fancy lettering,

"Shhh! Meeting in progress, please come back later."

Holly turned red, embarrassed she had missed the notice. She had also gone and banged on the headmistress's door while she was in a meeting, which had no doubt disturbed whoever was in there with her. She spun around and quickly retreated from the office door, and returned to her own classroom. She decided she would clear out her desk while she waited, and began picking through her belongings. Various comics about pokemon training that she had often read in lieu of paying attention to her teachers' lectures were picked up and haphazardly shoved into her bag, alongside several books and pencils. At the bottom of her desk, however, she caught a flash of red and white. Assuming it to be another odd toy or merchandise, Holly pulled it out. It certainly looked like a regular pokeball. That was impossible, pokemon were strictly forbidden on academy property and even if they weren't, how would one have ended up in her desk? She didn't remember this toy though. Holly pressed the button in the center of the ball and was blinded by the sudden light that erupted from the ball. Slowly, Holly blinked open her eyes and looked down, only to nearly faint from shock. She couldn't believe what she was looking at.

"Cubone?" A small, shaky voice squeaked.

Holly could barely respond. Both out of surprise, and because the little creature that stood before her was so cute it was nauseating. She looked around, thinking that she might see a clue about whoever left it there. There was nothing, of course. The classroom was the same as it had always been, save for a bit of detritus from her desk clearing. She looked back to Cubone, who was looking at her curiously through his little bone helmet."Oh, you are darling" She sighed, reaching down to pet its head, "How did you wind up here all alone?" Cubone blinked up at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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