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I hold my hand below the amber necklace in front of me, I've been told countless times not to touch it but that's yet to stop me.

I steal a small fraction of its magic before my brother comes bursting into the room.

"Evelyn," Elijah says, looking at me. "Mother wants to talk to you."

"Why can't you help her?" I ask him as I continue looking around Anyana and my mothers stuff.

"Why can't you ever just listen to what you're told to do," Elijah says, giving me a stern look. "Anyana will not be happy if she catches you looking through her things."

"I won't do something if I don't want to," I tell my older brother, ignoring his comment about Anyana.

Anyana hates it when we touch anything that belongs to her but what she doesn't know won't kill her.

"Evie just please go talk to mother." Elijah pleads.

I know he doesn't really want to be asking me and it's not his fault so I give in.

I place a ruby ring I found back onto a table and make my way outside. I look through the people in our village to try and spot my mother.

She quickly notices me and makes her way over to where I stand.

"Evelyn," She says as she stares at me sternly. "I've told you to leave Anyana things alone."

"And I have."

"She's getting angry with me because of it," My mother says, ignoring me. "Now, please go help Rebekah."

I decide It's best not to argue with her, it always seems to get me nowhere.

"You're finally here," Rebekah says, smiling when I walk over to her.

"Not through my own choice," I tell her as I sit down next to her.

"We need these to grow quicker," Rebekah says. "Father's becoming impatient."

"He should learn things take time," I tell her. "Not everything can happen when he wants it."

"Can you help them grow a bit?" Rebekah asks, ignoring what I had said.

"I don't have magic," I tell her. "You know that."

"I've seen you take magic before," She tells me. "Siphon my magic."

"Why don't you just do it yourself?" I ask her.

All of my siblings are capable of using magic except me. That's unless I steal it from another source. Most people aren't happy when I do.

"I haven't tried to use magic before," Rebekah tells me. "You know what you're doing."

She's right, despite the fact I can't make any magic of my own I've always been fascinated by it. I've spent hours sitting practising some days.

I had already siphoned magic earlier but it has already seemed to fade away.

Rebekah holds her hand out in front of me, letting me siphon off her. I take her hand and begin concentrating on the plants in front of me, watching them slowly begin to grow.

I open my mouth to say something to Rebekah when I hear a bloodcurdling scream coming from near us.

I get up and run to see what the noise is. When I see Nik holding Henrik's lifeless body I only pick up the pace.

"What happened?" I ask Niklaus as I call onto the floor next to him.

"The werewolf," Nik says, his eyes currently filled with tears. "They attacked him.

I am unable to stop the sob that escapes from me. I look over to see my mother run to us, Anyana following closely behind her.

"Is there anything you can do?" My mother asks her.

"It's too late."


"Evelyn," My father says, holding wine out to me. "I know it has been difficult losing Henrik."

"Why are you giving this to me?" I ask him.

"It will help you feel better," He tells me, still holding the wine out to me.

Reluctantly I take the wine and hesitantly sip at it. I look around the room at my siblings with a drink of their own in their hands. Something is terribly wrong.

I am about to make my way over to Kol to talk to him before I can take a step forward. I feel a sword pierce me through the heart.

The moment the sword hits me I fall to the ground. My mind goes blank before everything around me goes dark.


When I regain consciousness, I'm in complete agony. I try to take in my surroundings, I have not moved.

I feel a sharp pain when I breathe in, when I look down my clothes are soaked in blood.

Next to me lay my brothers and sisters, Rebekah and Nik are next to my father who stands with a girl from our village. My father throws the girl to the floor and cuts the palm of her hand open with a blade.

He holds her hand before Rebekah, Nik tries to intervene but my father pushes him aside. He pushes the girl's hand closer to Rebekah, dark veins begin to appear under her eyes as she begins to drink from the girl's hand.

I stare in shock and disgust, I begin to move over to them but Elijah stops me.

Eventually my father makes his way over to me with the girl, I shake my head as I push the girl's hand away from me.

"Evelyn." He says sternly.

"What is this?" I say.

"We're trying to keep you safe." He tells me as he pushes the girl's hand in front of me.

I try to resist it but something is forcing me to give in. The metallic taste in my mouth makes me want to be sick but for whatever reason I can not stop.

When my mother and Anyana walk into the room, Anyana stares at us in horror.

"At least this one will stop being able to steal from me," Anyana says as she looks down at me.

"What?" I ask her.

"Nature always creates a balance," My mother tells me. "You can't be a witch and vampire at the same time."


After that day my family was never the same, not long after the uncomfortable bloodlust from becoming a vampire, Niklaus accidentally killed someone and revealed his werewolf side.

Due to my fathers rage of my mothers betrayal that he wasn't his child she bound his werewolf, making it dormant.

According to Nik our father killed our mother in his fit of rage. Although I can tell there is something he is not telling us.

My siblings and I swore a vow to stick together, always and forever no matter what.

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