Tobias Hankel

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Tobias tied me to a chair. He kept circling me like a vulture, if i go to sleep now he might just kill me. My eyes start to droop. I feel small. Vulnerable and scared as hell. I don't think I can keep doing this... I just wanna give up. He has multiple personalities, Jeremy:his dad, Raphael: alter ego, Tobias: Himself. It's scary... I didn't do what he wanted so he grabbed my foot, took off my shoe and sock and started hitting it with a hammer. It hurt! I cried and plead him not to do it. A couple hours later he injected me with a drug.
"Please!, Please!, Don't do it!, I don't want it! Please!" I cried. "Hush boy!" Jeremy says. "It's ok, you need it" Tobias tells me. "Your a fucking wimp!" Raphael yells at me. Tobias is video taping all of it. "Please... Please..?" I doze off.
When I wake up a gun is pointed at my head? "Choose one to die!" Jeremy says. "Me!, Kill me!" I scream. "You said you weren't with them!" He yelled, "I am!" I yell back. "CHOOSE ONE TO DIE!!" he screeched.
"Aaron hotchner" I say... "He is a self absorbed boss, who only loves himself" I say. He hits on one more time then leaves.
(3 hours l8r)
The team busts in and rescue me. They find me with a dead Tobias Hankel. Tears in my eyes. "Reid?!" Hotch calls my name. The tears finally fall. The team hugs me and I say my last goodbye to Tobias but not with out taking some diluted.

(Spencer's POV)

"Spencer!, Spencer!, Are you with me?" My therapist asks. I jump, she looks at me comfused. "I admit it I'm always so jumpy, but I can't help it! I mean everyone thinks I'm perfect... Especially Derek Morgan. He always says I think I'm smarter than him or that I never think before I speak that I'm a know-it-all. Nobodies a know-it-all! He aslo seems to think that I've got no family issues even though all he does is profile me! It's annoying. He touched me the other day, like GRIPPED my wrist and I freaked out on him. He seemed mad... Maybe annoyed, but that was it. After the Tobias Hankel case I have been a lot more jumpy though. Everytime some even accidentally touch me I freak out about how touches spread the most germs and how touches aren't always affectionate. My best friend here is probably either Penelope or JJ, because penny makes me smile and JJ just makes me feel wanted when she calls me 'spence' I feel really good. My birthday is coming up soon and I can't wait! I've never celebrated my birthday with this many people before... But I decided not to tell them so... Really I shouldn't be excited, I'm not getting anything, my mom hasn't gotten me anything since the 9th grade and I was like 12. Her schizophrenia is getting worse and worse everyday... The doctor has to keep changing the meds because the pills aren't working anymore. Sometimes I wish I could do something about it to help her... But I'm useless with her being in Vegas and me in Virginia. I really want to be little 10 year old Spencer again... The Spencer that didn't worry if people were going to spend my birthday with me or not, and if people were coming to Thanksgiving or not... I miss being that kid, but I also miss my dad coming home. I really wish I could go back in time and take care of my mom... But sometimes it gets a little too hard managing her and work.
Honestly sometimes I wish I could burry myself six feet deep, no this is not a cry for help because I'm suicidal, this a confession" I tell my therapist, Dr. Quinn Anders. "I'm glad you trust me Spencer... I'm glad you wish... I'm glad your finally opening up" she says. "You've always been in your 'kennel' like bad dog" she phrases. "You're also coming out of you're 'shell' a lot more too!" She cheers. I smile... Progress... Jumpy.
Two different kind of fears.

711 words

Hope y'all enjoy



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